AltWeeklies Wire
Tea Party Jittersnew

New York’s Tea Partiers aren’t the bigoted white guys you fear.
New York Press |
Spencer Wilking |
07-28-2010 |
Tags: Tea Party
It's Time for the LGBT Community to Shake Off its Addiction to Democratic Panderingnew
It's up to the LGBT community to seize this momentum and put a freeze on donations to the Democrats and show them that until real progress is made, it's the Democratic Party that is going to need the help.
New York Press |
Jamaal Young |
08-20-2009 |
Who Are These Republicans? And Why Are They the Hope of White Conservatives?new
To counter their reputation of being the party of old, crotchety white men bellowing on talk radio that they are losing the country to the blacks, the browns and the gays, the Grand Old Party has recently put forward a couple of new faces of color.
New York Press |
Jamaal Young |
03-05-2009 |
Tags: commentary, Republican Party
Pols Promise Change; Many New Yorkers Wonder What the Word Really Meansnew
With seemingly insurmountable problems in Iraq, Afghanistan and Gaza, the Labor Department announcement that another 524,000 jobs were lost last month and Democrats and Republicans still struggling to find a strategy to get the economy back on track, people are left wondering: What does change really mean?
New York Press |
Allen McDuffee |
01-22-2009 |
Tags: Barack Obama, New York
In the Midst of a Fiscal Crisis, Will New York State Break its Addiction to Consultants?new
A new report from one of New York's largest unions says that the state's addiction to hiring consultants to do the work that state employees are more than capable of doing is unnecessarily costing taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars a year and adding to the already out-of-control deficit.
New York Press |
Allen McDuffee |
12-18-2008 |
How the Movie 'Soul Man' Paved the Way for President Obamanew
It's not far-fetched for a movie lover to think that Obama's rise was prepared -- if not predicted -- by the a 1986 race comedy about a guy who fakes his way into Harvard.
New York Press |
Armond White |
11-13-2008 |
Sexbama for Prez: Will Fetishization Hurt the Barack Star?new

As we move into the final days until the election, it's become more apparent that people are not making rational decisions based on voting records or even debating skills. They are voting with their emotions, their passions, even their fantasies about who they would rather kiss, fondle or fuck.
New York Press |
Nicole Caldwell |
10-30-2008 |
Barack for Sale in Harlemnew
A bustling industry of Obama merchandise exists on 125th, but how much longer will it matter?
New York Press |
Joseph Asher Bernstein |
10-30-2008 |
George W. Bush: The Lame Ducklingnew
As we focus our attention on the next would-be president, it's not quite time to forget the one that’s screwed everything up.
New York Press |
Jamaal Young |
10-23-2008 |
Billionaires for Michael Bloombergnew

It's one thing to have the New York mayor change a term limits law and run again, but does the media have to lap it up so easily?
New York Press |
Jamaal Young |
10-09-2008 |
Mugger: A Rejection of Obama Could Bring Riots or Worsenew

If Obama loses (unlikely, but not out of the question), especially by a small margin, there’s sure to be a firestorm from the Left that will make the Florida recount of 2000 seem like a student-council election.
New York Press |
Russ Smith |
07-17-2008 |
Why Michael Bloomberg Shouldn't Run for Governornew
An interesting idea, sure, and a tasty bone to gnaw on for the next 18 months; but to many political observers, this one just does not make sense. He could try, but would he really want this job, regardless of the continuing platform it would give him in public life? The answer, according to many who know him and have watched him as mayor, is no.
New York Press |
Edward-Isaac Dovere |
06-19-2008 |
Why the Fuss Over a Dying 76-year-old Senator?new
Pardon the following lapse of manners, for it's rather unseemly to write or speak critically of the terminally ill, but the outpouring of media and political grief following Senator Ted Kennedy's diagnosis of brain cancer has me in a real stew.
New York Press |
Russ Smith |
06-05-2008 |
Tags: Ted Kennedy, terminally ill
Why Does the Blogosphere Hate Bush?new
Bush will not be regarded as a top-tier president by historians -- although the verdict, I believe, won't be as severe as is currently bandied about. After all, he'll ultimately compared to the likes of James Buchanan, Woodrow Wilson, and Herbert Hoover.
New York Press |
Russ Smith |
05-29-2008 |
How Bill Clinton Became Political Baggagenew

Even Clinton's fans don't like the phony, second-rate version of the former president now on display.
New York Press |
Russ Smith |
05-08-2008 |