AltWeeklies Wire

A History of Our Inaugural West Swingers and White House Hoedownsnew

A recap of the swearing ins and outs of the past, in hope of inspiring the best inaugural bash ever.
Boston Phoenix  |  Kara Baskin  |  01-16-2009  |  Commentary

Presidents & Near-Presidents I Have Knownnew

With Barack Obama's Jan. 20 presidential inauguration practically upon us, my thoughts have turned to the very complex subject of American presidents. As I contemplated the subject, I had an odd revelation. It happens that I have spent a not inconsiderable amount of time around presidents, vice presidents and presidential candidates.
Random Lengths News  |  Lionel Rolfe  |  12-04-2008  |  Commentary

'Nixonland' Underlines the Real Lesson of 1968

Today that lesson teaches that we should seek a president who can heal the still-festering wounds of race and class, who can lead us out of war and who can move us past the political purgatory Perlstein calls Nixonland. But by invoking that sad chapter in our history, Hillary Clinton has cast herself in the Dick Nixon role.
The Inlander  |  Ted S. McGregor Jr.  |  05-29-2008  |  Nonfiction

Why Does the Blogosphere Hate Bush?new

Bush will not be regarded as a top-tier president by historians -- although the verdict, I believe, won't be as severe as is currently bandied about. After all, he'll ultimately compared to the likes of James Buchanan, Woodrow Wilson, and Herbert Hoover.
New York Press  |  Russ Smith  |  05-29-2008  |  Commentary

Reagan Was No Intellectual but a Thinkernew

Fables aside, Ronald Reagan’s true legacy is the parade of conservative ideologues who followed him to power.
Boston Phoenix  |  Francis J. Connolly  |  06-10-2004  |  Commentary

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