AltWeeklies Wire

Focus, Accountability and Commitment are Critical to Fulfilling New Year’s Resolutionsnew

It’s a new year, bright with the promise of new beginnings. If you’re like most, you’re so busy with day-to-day life that you push aside the little nagging voice inside telling you that your life could be better. You vow “I’ll quit smoking, hit the gym, eat a healthier diet.”
Pasadena Weekly  |  Patti Carmalt-Vener  |  01-11-2010  |  Advice

Big Games, Big Money: Hopes Run High for the Rose Bowlnew

For the first time in history — thanks to the rotating system that moves the BCS game to different stadiums every year — there will be two bowl games this year in the Rose Bowl, meaning even more tourism and more spending.
Pasadena Weekly  |  André Coleman  |  01-04-2010  |  Sports

Furry Fandom: Art, Community and a Second Skin to Feel Comfortable Innew

It's difficult to pin down exactly when "furry" emerged as a genre. In Western culture, nonhuman characters have been popular since the days of Aesop's Fables, which date back to Greek civilization before 500 BC. However, the furry fandom as a movement traces its start back to a science fiction convention in 1980.
Pasadena Weekly  |  Claire Palermo  |  09-15-2009  |  Culture

After Nearly 50 Years, Bob Fisher's Ice House Remains L.A.'s Top Comedy Spotnew

The show has gone on -- for almost half a century now. Next year the Ice House will celebrate its 50th year in business, making it the oldest comedy club in America, and on Saturday the club welcomes its four millionth customer.
Pasadena Weekly  |  Bobby Pollier  |  07-20-2009  |  Performance

'Transformers' Celebrates 25 Years with an All-Out Pasadena Gatheringnew

Transformers will reach a milestone when fans of all ages pack the Pasadena Convention Center for BotCon 2009, celebrating both 25 years of robotic success and the June 24 release of Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen.
Pasadena Weekly  |  Marry Pivazian  |  06-08-2009  |  Culture

'Amazing Race' Contestant Shows the World that Gay Dads Can Be Greatnew

Jet-setting around the globe on The Amazing Race was just another in a series of unique life experiences for gay father Mel White, a biographer and speechwriter for such conservative Christian icons as Jerry Falwell and Billy Graham.
Pasadena Weekly  |  Carl Kozlowski  |  05-18-2009  |  Culture

Therapy Can't Change Reality, But It Can Help Us Better Deal with Life's Terrible Trialsnew

Psychotherapy isn't about altering the permanent, observable external events but, rather, dealing with what's really going on inside oneself and focusing on the mind that's confused and tired and a heart that's overwhelmed, sad and weary.
Pasadena Weekly  |  Patti Carmalt-Vener  |  03-30-2009  |  Advice

One Woman's Quest to Celebrate Cancer's Scarsnew

Despite breast cancer's pervasive impact, mastectomy scars are an alien concept to most of us. On behalf of those who have battled breast cancer and the hundreds of thousands who soon will, Devon Williams, is on a mission to celebrate them publicly as marks of strength, perseverance, femininity and beauty.
Pasadena Weekly  |  Joe Piasecki  |  03-30-2009  |  Art

Behind the Doors of eHarmony Labsnew

A study conducted by eHarmony Labs, the research arm of the Pasadena-based dating website, concluded that the more similar partners were in their personality and the ways they responded to emotional situations, the more satisfied they were in their relationships. But not all social scientists are convinced.
Pasadena Weekly  |  Ilsa Setziol  |  02-09-2009  |  Culture

Headbands of Another Era Make a Comebacknew

If you are not one to shell out $16 plus tax on this itty-bitty headpiece at your local Urban Outfitters (and we're with you), here are a few good tips on how you can make one for yourself, probably just like your mom once did.
Pasadena Weekly  |  Erin Loomis and Karolann Bergman  |  11-04-2008  |  Fashion

How to Get Tourette's Syndrome Under Controlnew

Tourette's can be complicated, misdiagnosed, under-diagnosed and widely misunderstood.
Pasadena Weekly  |  Patti Carmalt-Vener  |  10-20-2008  |  Advice

A Glimmer of Hope for Sirhan Sirhannew

Orange County GOP congressman suspects conspiracy in RFK assassination while a high-profile lawyer for the convicted killer seeks a new trial.
Pasadena Weekly  |  Carl Kozlowski  |  09-29-2008  |  History

What's a Fashionista To Do During the Recession?new

Find your personal style in well-made clothes that will last. Pick up a few pieces at a time at swap meets, estate sales, or hidden local boutiques -- it doesn't have to be brand new, mass-manufactured or designer to be amazing and affordable.
Pasadena Weekly  |  Karol Ann Bergman  |  09-23-2008  |  Fashion

Dick Williams Does Things On His Termsnew

Fifteen years after being deemed eligible, the no-nonsense, hard-driving manager who displayed an unparalleled ability to quickly turn struggling teams into winners, is finally accepted into baseball's Hall of Fame.
Pasadena Weekly  |  Travis Hunter  |  03-31-2008  |  Sports

Vibiana Aparicio-Chamberlin Remains an Artist for Justicenew

After nearly four decades, she is as committed as she ever was to creating peace, ending war and seeking social justice through her art.
Pasadena Weekly  |  Patricia Cunliffe  |  11-27-2007  |  Art

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