AltWeeklies Wire
Hillary, It's Time to Say Goodnightnew

As entertaining -- and at times compelling -- as the Clintons' star turn as feisty underdogs out to beat the odds has been, it is wearing thin. So when the primary season closes on June 3, that'll be candidate Clinton's cue to exit the race.
Boston Phoenix |
Editorial |
05-29-2008 |
Jello Biafra Answers Michael Savagenew
When news broke of Senator Ted Kennedy's brain tumor, talk-radio host Michael Savage used the occasion to plumb the depths of tastelessness by playing 1979's "California Uber Alles" by -- you got it -- Dead Kennedys. That band's frontman had this to say in return.
Boston Phoenix |
Lance Gould |
05-22-2008 |
Will Robots Take over the World and Eat Our Children?new
Our pitiful carbon bodies are evolving much more slowly than the silicon and steel gizmos we're inventing. And the guys in the lab coats and pocket protectors are starting to worry we've opened Pandora's hard drive.
Boston Phoenix |
Mike Miliard |
05-22-2008 |
Tags: robots, computers & technology
The 10 Things We Miss Most from the Golden Age of Air Travelnew

There was a Golden Age of Air Travel, but anyone who's suffered the indignities of being shuttled around like a convict at 30,000 feet knows it's over.
Boston Phoenix |
James Parker |
05-22-2008 |
When it Comes to Same-Sex Marriage, California Mattersnew
Massachusetts may have had gay marriage first, but California changes everything. Are Obama and Clinton listening?
Boston Phoenix |
David S. Bernstein |
05-22-2008 |
It's Rather Un-American to Have an Election that Focuses on 'Big Issues'new

The media (and the voters) aren't focusing on the issues, but don't complain. From Lincoln's "ugly problem" to Grover Cleveland's love child, they never have.
Boston Phoenix |
Steven Stark |
05-22-2008 |
Jon Lester, the No-Hit Wondernew
This past Monday night, Lester became the 18th player in Red Sox history to pitch a no-hitter. And the Weston High School chorus was there to sing his praises.
Boston Phoenix |
Rachael Mazzella |
05-22-2008 |
Tags: sports & fitness
Never in His Long Career Has Ted Kennedy Been More Vital or Central to Political Lifenew

Forget relevant; Kennedy today seems indispensable. That makes the news that he is suffering from a malignant brain tumor all the more shocking and sobering.
Boston Phoenix |
Editorial |
05-21-2008 |
Self Servenew
An illustrated response to the obscene price of gasoline.
Boston Phoenix |
Scott Getchell |
05-15-2008 |
Tags: humor & satire
'Sex & the Soul' Looks at Sex and the Single Studentnew

Campus sex lives have never been more perilous and less fulfilling. But according to a serious nationwide study, even kids who know better feel powerless to change the hook-up norm.
Boston Phoenix |
Neely Steinberg |
05-15-2008 |
Author Profiles & Interviews
It's Time for the Press to Cover John McCain Againnew

From his Islam problem to hints of misogyny, here are ten places for political reporters to start.
Boston Phoenix |
Adam Reilly |
05-15-2008 |
If the Election Was Held Tomorrow, We'd Have a McCain-Obama Tienew
Making a projection today allows us to see, regionally speaking, where each candidate is strong and weak, and which states each must defend or pick off. Strategically, it can also help us to see how the candidates might plot their vice-presidential choices or an unusual strategy in order to put together a successful electoral coalition.
Boston Phoenix |
Steven Stark |
05-15-2008 |
Steampunk Bursts Through its Subculture Rootsnew

Combine a longing for a past that never was with an acceptance that we are already living in the dystopian future we've been warned about and you end up with the hopeful balance between progress and tradition that is Steampunk. And then some.
Boston Phoenix |
Sharon Steel |
05-15-2008 |
The Wars Over Evolution Are Louder Than Evernew

One more time: who made the world? God? Natural selection? Or some ineffable combination of the two? Tuning into what Ben Stein, Bad Religion, and a physics prof from Massachusetts have to say about the latest attempts to justify the ways of God to man.
Boston Phoenix |
James Parker |
05-12-2008 |
Rev. Wright: Obama's Genie in a Bottlenew

Obama can only hope his Reverend Wright problem ends up like the Clinton Gennifer Flowers scandal.
Boston Phoenix |
Steven Stark |
05-12-2008 |