AltWeeklies Wire
The Fight is On Over Teaching 'Intelligent Design' in Texas Schoolsnew
The basic fight is expected to be over what kids are taught about evolution -- which takes up only about three days of teaching in a 180-day school year. But scientists and teachers argue there are much bigger things at stake: the intimidation of teachers and the possible beginning of biblical beliefs being taught as science in Texas public schools.
Fort Worth Weekly |
Laurie Barker James |
09-05-2008 |
Lauri Lebo Tackles Intelligent Design, Evolution, and the Medianew
After reading this book and thinking of the millions of dollars and thousands of hours squandered, the hatred, the vitriol, and the disbelief that we're still fighting this age-old battle, I just feel tired and sad. This isn't the end of the story. We'll see it again, fight the battle once more, spend the money, fire up the troops, spar with the same theory in a different cloak, attract the international media, meet at a different courthouse, pass judgment on a different school district.
The Texas Observer |
Ruth Pennebaker |
06-18-2008 |
The Wars Over Evolution Are Louder Than Evernew

One more time: who made the world? God? Natural selection? Or some ineffable combination of the two? Tuning into what Ben Stein, Bad Religion, and a physics prof from Massachusetts have to say about the latest attempts to justify the ways of God to man.
Boston Phoenix |
James Parker |
05-12-2008 |
'Expelled': Intellectual Bankruptcynew
The most bizarre thing about the new intelligent design propaganda film Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed isn't that former Nixon speechwriter Ben Stein is being paid to extol a pseudoscience whose hypotheses can't be tested. It's that the filmmakers don't seem to understand the tenets of intelligent design.
The Portland Mercury |
Annie Wagner |
04-25-2008 |
'Expelled': Another Expression of the Right Wing's Victim Complexnew
The film claims not to be about atheism vs. religion or Darwinism vs. Intelligent Design, but rather about academic freedom. I'll agree with the first half of that: Among the reasons this film was made, religion is second and science (at best) third. But the No. 1 agenda has much less to do with academic freedom than with political ideology.
Los Angeles CityBeat |
Andy Klein |
04-21-2008 |
Battle Against Teaching Evolution in Texas Beginsnew
Should creationism win out, textbooks throughout the country -- not just Texas -- will challenge the theory of evolution in science curricula.
Dallas Observer |
Jesse Hyde |
03-24-2008 |
The God Fossilnew

Most Americans who accept evolution think God created it -- these scientists think they can prove the opposite.
New Times Broward-Palm Beach |
Julia Reischel |
03-14-2006 |
The Plot to Kill Darwinnew

A Seattle think tank launched the modern intelligent-design movement with a simple memo, and the cause has mutated beyond rational control.
Seattle Weekly |
Roger Downey |
02-01-2006 |
Throwing Out Darwinnew

The latest skirmish in the culture wars may be coming to a school near you.
Creative Loafing (Tampa) |
Wayne Garcia |
01-20-2006 |
Monkey Trial, Take Twonew

Evolution vs. creationism made Hollywood courtroom drama in Inherit the Wind: what might the Intelligent Design sequel look like?
Valley Advocate |
Andrew Varnon |
01-19-2006 |
Good Night, and Good Godnew
Some Kansas lawmakers have called for hearings to root out anti-Christian bias at the University of Kansas. Here's how such hearings might sound.
Bush Rides Tall in the Saddle Againnew
Written off as a dead duck a month ago by sneering Democrats, George W. Bush is back to being his old cocky self, signs of victory all about.
The Village Voice |
James Ridgeway |
08-10-2005 |
Assault Upon Faith-Based Darwinismnew
A modern monkey trial wasn't what Phillip Johnson expected when he wrote a critique of evolution that launched intelligent design -- or was it?
East Bay Express |
Justin Berton |
08-01-2005 |