AltWeeklies Wire
Chatting Up Dame Ednanew
Dame Edna Everage is surely the most popular and most gifted woman in the world today. Housewife, investigative journalist, social anthropologist, talk-show host, swami, children's-book illustrator, megastar, celebrity spin doctor, and icon.
Boston Phoenix |
Jim Sullivan |
04-08-2009 |
PBS Puts a Human Face on Native American Historynew
In terms of exposition, inspiration, and cross-cultural outreach, you can think of We Shall Remain as the Native American Eyes on the Prize. Like that landmark documentary, this series reminds us that true glory lies in the honest histories of people, not the manipulated histories of governments.
Boston Phoenix |
Clif Garboden |
04-08-2009 |
Your Guide to Understanding Rap Lyricsnew

Good news for perplexed suburbanites: a new site called lets experienced rap interpreters explain difficult urban slang to hip-hop neophytes.
Boston Phoenix |
David Thorpe |
04-08-2009 |
Ricky Jay's Sleight of Handnew

To call Ricky Jay a "magician" is like calling Leonardo a portrait painter. Esteemed among his peers as one of the finest sleight-of-hand artists in the world, Jay is also a recognized scholar in the motley history of illusionists, cardsharps, and con men.
Boston Phoenix |
Jon Garelick |
04-02-2009 |
Roger Clemens's Rise and Fallnew

A career once on a par with those of Christy Mathewson, Warren Spahn, and Sandy Koufax now rests with Pete Rose and Shoeless Joe.
Boston Phoenix |
George Kimball |
04-02-2009 |
Questioning Post-Roid Baseballnew

Steroids continue to plague the sport's image. The economy, too, has been as kind to the game as a screaming Big Papi foul ball is to a slow-reacting fan's unprotected mug. Here are nine questions worth mulling over for the game we love.
Boston Phoenix |
Mike Miliard |
04-02-2009 |
A Girl's Best Friend Is Her Yogurtnew
"Just turn on your TV," says Current TV commentator Sarah Haskins. "Day and night — but mostly day, unless you’re watching Lifetime — there’s gonna be some ladies just chilling out, eating some yogurt, and appealing to our inner woman, to get us to do it too."
Boston Phoenix |
Caitlin E. Curran |
03-27-2009 |
The War on Women
'Boston Globe' Buyouts Don't Do the Tricknew
Rumors have it that somewhere in the neighborhood of 25 Globe employees (including one Pulitzer winner) accepted management's latest buyout offer. But that won’t be enough to reach management’s goal of 50 fewer positions.
Boston Phoenix |
Adam Reilly |
03-27-2009 |
Change of Direction at SXSWnew
Ten years ago, SXSW was widely accepted as the ultimate opportunity for baby bands and A&R representatives to make goo-goo eyes at each other. But today younger, wiser bands don’t bat their eyelashes at the majors like they used to, and South by Southwest is all the better for it.
Boston Phoenix |
Michael Brodeur |
03-27-2009 |
Tags: music industry, SXSW
We're All Going to Die in 2012 -- Or Notnew

After five millennia of faithful service, the Mesoamerican Long Count calendar ends abruptly on December 21, 2012, signifying the end of all things. Or perhaps Mesoamerica just needs to reboot its system.
Boston Phoenix |
Mike Miliard |
03-27-2009 |
The 100 Unsexiest Men of 2009new
The Boston Phoenix's fourth annual losers list, this year topped by the biggest blowhard in America. Here at Phoenix Unsexy Headquarters, unsexiness is defined by gypping jillions out of charities or punching your girlfriend or yelling at your cinematographer.
Boston Phoenix |
Phoenix Staff |
03-26-2009 |
Tags: Unsexiest Men of 2009, commentary
Right-wing Crackpots Plot to Abandon the Unionnew
A quick survey of the laughable side of anti-government wing-nuttery.
Boston Phoenix |
Mike Miliard |
03-19-2009 |
Tags: secession, conservative discourse
The Right Tries to Divide the Nationnew

The last thing the Obama administration needs is a civil war, but large online communities of liberal-hating conservatives and legislators across the country have resurrected campaigns for state sovereignty and even secession.
Boston Phoenix |
David S. Bernstein |
03-19-2009 |
Latkes vs. Hamantash at MITnew
An annual debate pits six MIT academics in a battle to determine the superior Jewish treat — the three-cornered pastry made with a variety of fillings or the fried potato pancake.
Boston Phoenix |
Ian Sands |
03-12-2009 |
The Army's Controversial Anthropology Programnew
The US military embeds cultural anthropologists in war zones in hopes of easing relations with native populations. The scientific community wants the program brought into line and are demanding a place at the policy-making table.
Boston Phoenix |
Peter Piatetsky |
03-12-2009 |