AltWeeklies Wire

Jane Goodall on Her New Book, North Korea and Bible-Thumping Conservativesnew

The good news is, to break the doom-and-gloom cycle of cynicism, we have Dr. Jane Goodall whose optimistic new book, Hope for Animals and Their World details how a variety of endangered species have been rescued from the brink of extinction.
Boston Phoenix  |  Lance Gould  |  10-01-2009  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

'Catching Fire' Can Be Boldly Essentialist ... Perhaps Too Boldly Essentialistnew

Since the 1950s, scientists have hypothesized that the key factor bringing our ancestors down from the trees was the decision to eat meat. In this persuasively argued book, Richard Wrangham disagrees. Instead, he writes, it was the decision to cook with fire that literally made us human.
The Texas Observer  |  James E. McWilliams  |  07-15-2009  |  Nonfiction

The Army's Controversial Anthropology Programnew

The US military embeds cultural anthropologists in war zones in hopes of easing relations with native populations. The scientific community wants the program brought into line and are demanding a place at the policy-making table.
Boston Phoenix  |  Peter Piatetsky  |  03-12-2009  |  War

The Beats Go On in 'Texas Music'new

The History of Texas Music is an anthropological study of Texas as examined through its diverse offering of folk music, offering a historical study of social, ethnic and geographical influence and how they have laid the groundwork for a thriving indie music scene.
The Texas Observer  |  Michael Hoinski  |  08-27-2008  |  Nonfiction

Dionysus Downnew

Barbara Ehrenreich's equivocal history of joy.
Missoula Independent  |  Joe Campana  |  04-26-2007  |  Nonfiction

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