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White Rabbits Spoon Out More Creepy, Honky-tonk Calypso Soundsnew

Though an interest in world music and an affinity for ska and New Wave perked it up a bit, their first album, Fort Nightly skewed toward the macabre.
New York Press  |  Callie Enlow  |  07-10-2008  |  Profiles & Interviews

Brooklyn Hip-Hop Festival Organizers Confront the Genre's Image Crisisnew

Wes Jackson has planned a broad lineup that represents various stages in hip-hop's existence from new artists to performers fro mteh golden age and elder statesmen.
New York Press  |  Billy Jam  |  07-10-2008  |  Music

Roman Polanski Finally Gets His Due in This Penetrating Documentarynew

Polanski, in life, has been as fascinatingly enigmatic as his films, with a personal back-story capable of trumping even his most bizarre fictions, and now it's all dredged up in Marina Zenovich’s HBO documentary.
New York Press  |  Felicia Feaster  |  07-10-2008  |  TV

Brendan Fraser Gets in Your Face in 'Journey to the Center of the Earth'new

While the actual meat of the film features at least one spectacular sequence involving a chasm and floating magnetic rocks, the rest is marred by badly conceived 3-D effects.
New York Press  |  Mark Peikert  |  07-10-2008  |  Reviews

'The Exiles' Presents a Regrettably Ignored View of L.A. Life and American Historynew

Mackenzie's sparkling, moody black-and-white images of what might be called the Native American Diaspora (following a generation of Indians who moved off the reservation and migrated to post-war Los Angeles), depict a classic American story of aspiration and tragedy. It is beautiful and devastating.
New York Press  |  Armond White  |  07-10-2008  |  Reviews

Cracking Down on Brooklyn Stoop Drinkersnew

Along with rolling blackouts, broiling heat waves and Chinatown's unholy stink, outdoor drinking is a summertime staple.
New York Press  |  Joshua M. Bernstein  |  07-03-2008  |  Food+Drink

The People 'Holding Trevor' (Back) are His Two Best Friendsnew

Strangely, however, the friendship between Andie, Jake and Trevor is what separates Holding Trevor from the rest of the mediocre gay movie pack.
New York Press  |  Mark Peikert  |  07-03-2008  |  Reviews

Pining for Hunter S. Thompson May Do More Harm Than Goodnew

Part hagiography, part head trip, Gonzo stitches together the Thompson legacy courtesy of some surprising high/low sources.
New York Press  |  Felicia Feaster  |  07-03-2008  |  Reviews

'The Wackness' and 'Gunnin' for That #1 Spot' Achieve Emotional Resonancenew

Neither is a special effects extravaganza, but they stir emotion by emphasizing the human scale of what movies can show.
New York Press  |  Armond White  |  07-03-2008  |  Reviews

Will Smith's 'Hancock' Brazenly Embraces the Post-racial Strategy of the Obama Campaignnew

Movie star Will Smith is also a political figure. His big screen exploits reflect the way we think about race, masculinity, humor, violence and fantasy.
New York Press  |  Armond White  |  07-03-2008  |  Reviews

How Comedian Dave Rubin Found His Niche (and Success) After Coming Outnew

When Rubin came out two years ago, he wasn't met with relentless scorn, hostile derision or frequent stonings as you might expect. Quite mercifully, the opposite had taken place: He opened himself up to a world of opportunity that didn't exist before.
New York Press  |  Nate Sloan  |  06-26-2008  |  Performance

Emperor X Speaks a Private Language that Remains Accessible to Allnew

I watched Matheny, who records and plays out solo under the Emperor X moniker, strum a charmingly small six-string acoustic as pedal-delayed tones pouring out of his tiny amp.
New York Press  |  Greg Burgett  |  06-26-2008  |  Profiles & Interviews

The Homeless World Cup Gets Mainstream Exposure in 'Kicking It'new

The popularization of sports documentaries in recent years has allowed for the rise of a new genre dealing exclusively with fringe athletic pursuits, and the appeal of Kicking It falls between the intensity of furious quadriplegics in Murderball to the full-grown geeks reigning over the arcade world in King of Kong.
New York Press  |  Eric Kohn  |  06-26-2008  |  Reviews

Hollywood's Liberal Elite Builds the Dalton Trumbo Mythnew

The one-word title is suitably mythic since Trumbo himself spent the latter years of his career creating a mythology around his victimization by the post-WWII House Un-American Activities Committee and Hollywood's eventual enforcement of a blacklist.
New York Press  |  Armond White  |  06-26-2008  |  Reviews

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