AltWeeklies Wire
Understanding North Koreanew
For years, the activists at the Korea Policy Institute have been trying to influence US policy toward North Korea. Finally, Washington may be listening.
East Bay Express |
Kathleen Wentz |
11-04-2009 |
How Canada Got Caught in an Afghan Election That Doesn't Add Upnew
The news on the Afghan election, backed so earnestly by Canada and its $35 million contribution, has gone from terrible to tragic.
NOW Magazine |
Paul Weinberg |
10-16-2009 |
Cuba's Black Market Moves Online with Revolico.comnew

On an island where selling almost anything on the street, over the airwaves, or in the newspaper is forbidden by the socialist constitution, Revolico offers tens of thousands of items. Legions of Habaneros shop on the site every day, making it the most obvious crack yet in the foundation of Fidel Castro's Cuba.
Miami New Times |
Tim Elfrink and Vanessa Grisalez |
10-05-2009 |
Did Obama Just Surrender Europe to the Russians?new
Although I was repeatedly warned by my patriotic brothers and sisters via conservative media and countless e-mails that begin "FW:" about how Obama is a secret Commie planning to destroy the U.S. from within, I chose to dismiss the warnings as hysterical fear-mongering. Well, it turns out the fear-mongerererers were right and I was wrong. I admit it.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta) |
Andisheh Nouraee |
09-22-2009 |
Hamid Karzai, Afghanistan's Impotent Dictator
How many Americans will continue to see Hamid Karzai as viable -- and be willing to continue to pay the price of propping him up?
Students Seeking a Deeper College Experience Bring Medicine to Hondurasnew
Connor Botkin decided that he wanted more out of college than the superficial experience that many people have. He wanted to have a well-balanced life. He wanted to open his eyes to the rest of the world. He wanted to participate in a humanitarian mission trip to another country.
Boulder Weekly |
Dana Logan |
08-24-2009 |
Fajardo's Fight: Taking on Big Oil in Ecuadornew

Pablo Fajardo is the David in a David and Goliath-esque case pitting Ecuadorian Indians and mestizos against major American oil companies.
Eugene Weekly |
Natalie Miller and Camilla Mortensen |
08-13-2009 |
Tags: Amazon, Pablo Fajardo, rainforest, Texaco, environment, business, pollution, international, Chevron, Ecuador, Big Oil
Cartoon: Honduran Hypocrisynew
Obama accuses his critics on Honduras. In the past, he says, critics complained that the US replaced democratically-elected leaders in Latin America with dictators. Now that a dictator has supplanted a democratically-elected president in Honduras, the US is refusing to lift a finger. Our new lack of involvement on behalf of a dictator, in other words, marks a departure from our previous involvement on behalf of dictators.
Obama: the new Bush of logic.
'That Infernal Little Cuban Republic' Dissects the Shared History of Cuba and Americanew
Lar Schoultz focuses on the Castro years, which he reconstructs in impressive detail, fleshing out such well-known events as the doomed 1961 Bay of Pigs invasion with eye-opening depth. Better yet, often-glossed questions are aired with the fullness of Schoultz's four decades of wrestling with the Cuba question. Still, there's something missing.
The Texas Observer |
Mike Kanin |
08-12-2009 |
A Darker Look at Che's Revolutionnew

There's little question that, as former top CIA analyst Brian Latell puts it, Gustavo Villoldo played a "very critical role in the capture of Che Guevara." But while some exiles consider Gustavo a hero, Che fans and scholars such as UCLA's Peter McLaren call him a "narrow-minded ideologue who set out to avenge his father and took his anger out on a great man."
Miami New Times |
Tim Elfrink |
08-10-2009 |
CouchSurfing International Offers Sofa Safe Havensnew is a networking forum that helps cushion the experience of finding places to stay for next to nothing. And Portland is one of the most active U.S. cities on the site, as members are drawn from all over the world to experience the friendly City of Roses.
Willamette Week |
Caitlin McCarthy |
08-05-2009 |
What the Heck's Going On in Honduras?new
Though the latest political crisis in Honduras has nothing to do with soccer, it is similar to the Soccer War in the sense that it's the direct result of the Honduran ruling class' inability to put the country's well-being ahead of its own petty interests.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta) |
Andisheh Nouraee |
07-21-2009 |
What Can Americans Do to Help Iran's Democracy Movement?new
Even though I'm an Iranian-American and think you're kind of a bigot for asking me, I'm going to answer you, anyway.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta) |
Andisheh Nouraee |
07-07-2009 |
Is Oil or Religion More to Blame for Iran's Ills?new
Even though I'm a theocracy-hating non-believer, I actually think Iran's primary illness is that it has oil. In my opinion, the country's evil theocrats are merely a secondary symptom of the main sickness.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta) |
Andisheh Nouraee |
07-07-2009 |
Peace, What is it Good For? Coming to Terms With War in the Obama Eranew
"Peace" does not automatically exist when war stops. Peace is not just an absence of war. At least, this is not how those who work for peace in the world feel about it.
New Haven Advocate |
Alan Bisbort |
07-07-2009 |