AltWeeklies Wire
The Great Heist of the State University of New York at Buffalonew

Across the country, public universities are being targeted for reform by business leaders and by politicians who speak for business leaders. Buffalo is no different.
Two UB Art Gallery Exhibits Track Our Impact on the Waters and Water's Impact on Usnew
Two art exhibits about environmental issues just opened at the UB art gallery on the North campus: one local, about the waters of Ellicott Creek a five-minute hike from the gallery; the other about global economic and environmental issues, but with substantial local implications.
Artvoice |
jack Foran |
03-27-2010 |
Tags: Ellicott Creek, SUNY Buffalo
Still the Promised Land: Poverty, Policy and Hope in the Rust Beltnew
Out west in gigantic, thriving Chicago, there’s a debate underway between a journalist and an IT consultant over whether regionalism can help the hollowing-out cities of the Rust Belt.
Could Public-Private Partnerships Save New York State Parks?new
In response to Gov. David Paterson’s plan to save New York $6.5 million by cutting funding to state parks, Suffolk County Executive Steve Levy said this week that corporate sponsorships could be the answer. Levy, a Democrat, has said he would turn Republican if it would help his run for governor.
Artvoice |
Buck Quigley |
02-26-2010 |
Beyond Guantanamo: The Story of Julia Hall and Oybek Jamoldinivich Jabbarovnew
The SOS from Oybek Jamoldinivich Jabbarov came to Julia Hall in 2007 via his attorney, Michael Mone. The plea for help, originating behind the concrete walls of Guantánamo Bay, carried the message of a man locked in a nightmare.
Artvoice |
Charlotte Hsu |
02-05-2010 |
Thinking and Acting Smartly Everywhere but the Rust Beltnew

At a Brookings Institution forum last week, policy wonks and local government officials from places like Sacramento and Salt Lake City discussed how they used regional planning to cope with rapid growth. What can shrinking Rust Belt cities learn from the places that are stealing their populations?
Artvoice |
Bruce Fisher |
10-23-2009 |
Policy Issues
Feds Bust Twitterer, Impound Fuzzy Dolls and Buffy Videos in War on Terrornew
Elliot Madison's real crime, it seems, is being a self-proclaimed anarchist, which is no more illegal than being a self-proclaimed Democrat or Lutheran. His tweets were not more informative or subversive than MSNBC's live coverage of the G-20 protests.
Artvoice |
Michael I. Niman |
10-16-2009 |
Civil Liberties
Meet the Rebel Economists Who Predicted the Financial Collapsenew
The economics profession has been dominated by the disciples of the late free-market guru Milton Friedman and others of the Chicago School, so named because of their prominence on the faculty of the University of Chicago. But for decades, there has been an overshadowed (and at times bitterly ridiculed) alternative group of economists who have long been warning that the Neoclassical orthodoxy was missing the boat and leading us astray.
The Recession is Ending, but Only for Banks and Investors ... The Rest of Us Are Still Screwednew
It's over. The depression, recession, whatever you want to call it -- it's over. The corporate media told me so.
Cash for Clunkers: Ugh!new

While the know-it-alls in Washington try to satisfy the taxpayers by giving them back some of their hard-earned cash, they didn't really think this whole thing through very well.
Artvoice |
Jim Corbran |
08-17-2009 |
How Do You Take the Rust Out of the Rust Belt?new
It's a question politicians and policymakers have been asking themselves for years. Now, with a new administration in the White House and stimulus money at the ready, local lawmakers and nonprofits are looking for ways to funnel some much-needed capital into revitalizing Great Lakes cities.
Buffalo or California: Which Is the Better National Bellwether?new
It's now reasonable, and not far-fetched, to expect fiscal chaos in state and local governments in the next two years. Here's what fiscal chaos means: more Californias.
Die Zombie Newspapers, Die!new
Like much of what we've been reading in our daily newspapers, the story about the collapse of journalism is old news. Newspapers have been dead for quite a while. The only twist is that their rancid zombie bodies have finally followed suit.
Tags: newspaper industry
The Gold Price Is Rising, But Congolese Mine Workers Aren't Profitingnew

In Congo, desperate men labor in dangerous conditions to satisfy the world market's recession-driven appetite for gold.
Artvoice |
Mike Pflanz |
05-07-2009 |
Business & Labor
Why Do We Bail Out Wall Street Bankers?new
Ben Bernanke's Federal Reserve and Timothy Geithner's Treasury Department continue to sink billions of dollars into the black hole of Wall Street, but those billions have not prevented the US economy’s nosedive toward a crash and burn ending. And what is Bernanke's solution? More of the same.
Tags: finance, economic issues