AltWeeklies Wire

Puppy Love Blooms at 'Hotel for Dogs'new

The kids are cute and the pooches are even more so in this latest addition to the doggie genre of the past year. Hotel For Dogs falls short of earning a loud bark, but still deserves a big paws-up for its animals-as-part-of-the-family theme.
Pasadena Weekly  |  Lisa Miller  |  01-26-2009  |  Reviews

Pasadena College Board Bucks the School’s President, Hoping to Find Alternatives to Closurenew

The board of directors of Pacific Oaks College, which was considering closing the 63-year-old Pasadena institution, has apparently bucked the will of its president in taking two major steps to save the school during a marathon meeting last Thursday.
Pasadena Weekly  |  Marc B. Haefele  |  01-26-2009  |  Education

Plans to Cut Trees in Pasadena Provoke Debatenew

The impending removal of 13 ficus trees and 20 carrotwoods from a stretch of Colorado Boulevard has some business owners cheering, but others argue that a plan to replace the large, bushy trees with dozens of less-verdant ginko and palm trees will harm the very character of Pasadena’s iconic thoroughfare.
Pasadena Weekly  |  Joe Piasecki  |  01-26-2009  |  Environment

Mayor Urges Public Support to Help Save The Orchestras of Pasadenanew

Pasadena has always had a rich tradition of providing a home for fine orchestras. But today, with the country's teetering economy, something that residents have pretty much taken for granted over more than eight decades may be lost as tough economic times take a heavy toll.
Pasadena Weekly  |  Carl Kozlowski  |  01-12-2009  |  Music

Single-Sex Schools Test the Limits of Equal Opportunity in Public Educationnew

New Village Charter High is part of a national mini-boom in single-sex public education. Many of the single-sex schools across the nation have opened in the past three years, thanks to federal regulations that have effectively loosened non-discrimination laws that had often barred their operation.
Pasadena Weekly  |  Elizabeth Zwerling  |  01-12-2009  |  Education

No Clear Path to Peace for Obama Administrationnew

We are anxious because now it appears Obama, like LBJ, wants it both ways and isn't really as much about getting us out of any of our recent military quagmires as he is about negotiating settlements in which we stay.
Pasadena Weekly  |  Kevin Uhrich  |  01-05-2009  |  Commentary

eHarmony Must Provide Services to Same-Sex Couplesnew

As part of a settlement agreement to end a sexual preference discrimination lawsuit, eHarmony must start a new online dating site allowing users to search for same-sex partners. The new service, "Compatible Partners," will be up and running by March 31.
Pasadena Weekly  |  Andre Coleman  |  12-23-2008  |  LGBT

Scientologists Face Harsh Critics While Moving into Pasadenanew

Can't we all just get along? And if not, what does it say for Scientology members' ability to worship and live life as they choose?
Pasadena Weekly  |  Carl Kozlowski  |  12-23-2008  |  Religion

Money, Arrogance and Stupidity = Disaster for American Auto Industrynew

Chapter 11 does not mandate that the Big 3 close their doors. It mandates that they restructure and cut costs, just like the airlines did. Yet the Big 3 continue to be bullheaded and refuse to consider this option.
Pasadena Weekly  |  Jennifer Hadley  |  12-08-2008  |  Business & Labor

The Assassination of Barack Obamanew

The presidential election prompts an explosion of racist threats against Obama -- including one sent to this newspaper.
Pasadena Weekly  |  Joe Piasecki  |  12-08-2008  |  Politics

Prop. 8's Passage Tempers the Euphoria Over Obama's Victorynew

Proposition 8 has passed and with it, the hope that we can just go about our lives with the most fundamental right of all: to be left alone to enjoy our own lives as we see fit.
Pasadena Weekly  |  Ellen Snortland  |  11-17-2008  |  LGBT

Truckin' with Jesus: Searching for Redemption on Hardscrabble Highwaysnew

Transport for Christ runs 33 truck-stop chapels nationwide, part of a web of more than 100 chapels across the continent. People of the road need churches that take their circumstances into account and ministers who won't judge them, chaplain Dave Quignon says.
Pasadena Weekly  |  S. Howard Bransford  |  11-17-2008  |  Religion

Deanne Stillman's 'Mustang' is Heartbreaking and Enragingnew

Mustang: The Saga of the Wild Horse in the American West is an exhaustively researched, eloquently written wake-up call.
Pasadena Weekly  |  Bliss  |  11-04-2008  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

Headbands of Another Era Make a Comebacknew

If you are not one to shell out $16 plus tax on this itty-bitty headpiece at your local Urban Outfitters (and we're with you), here are a few good tips on how you can make one for yourself, probably just like your mom once did.
Pasadena Weekly  |  Erin Loomis and Karolann Bergman  |  11-04-2008  |  Fashion

Green Vehicles' Triac Electric: Coming Soon to a Freeway Near Younew

The adorable factor, which the Triac has in spades, was naturally what first caught my eye. But I quickly saw that the Triac was more than just a cute car. It's got a lot going for it, and for a very reasonable price.
Pasadena Weekly  |  Jennifer Hadley  |  11-04-2008  |  Transportation

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