AltWeeklies Wire
Spirit in the Skynew

How Greenpeace’s high-wire protesters captured the world’s attention—and how Portland gently let them down.
Willamette Week |
Staff |
08-06-2015 |
Portland's Best Bars, Pubs and Clubsnew

Willamette Week's Drink Guide.
Willamette Week |
Staff |
01-26-2011 |
Gus Van Sant Delivers the Story of Harvey Milk in His Most Political Film to Datenew

Milk, starring Sean Penn, seems to have transformed Van Sant from an aloof, apolitical outsider into a defender of gay rights.
Willamette Week |
Staff |
11-12-2008 |
Profiles & Interviews
Discovering the Bbest of Pica's 2008 TBA
Here are our top TBA picks, organized thematically.
Willamette Week |
Staff |
09-03-2008 |
Tags: film festivals
Slavoj Zizek on 'Violence'new

In this book, he argues that in addition to the “subjective” violence we normally associate with the term (backstabbing, slap fights, waterboarding), there is an additional “objective” violence inscribed into our language and politics.
Willamette Week |
Staff |
09-03-2008 |
Author Profiles & Interviews
Tags: violence, Slavoj Zizek
OMFG It's MusicFest NorthWest!new

Consider this the liner notes from behind the scenes of this festival, detailing the 1,000 little decisions made over the past 360 days that culminate in MFNW's music-packed, sweat-soaked, four-day run.
Willamette Week |
Staff |
09-03-2008 |
The Summer's Best Sitcoms Aren't on TV. They're Onlinenew
There's no need to pay for cable if you've got a nearby wi-fi connection. What's more, some of the best sitcoms currently being made are only available online.
Willamette Week |
Staff |
07-09-2008 |
The Rogue of the Week: Hillary Clintonnew
In the days before Oregon's May 20 primary, Sen. Hillary Clinton made a dubious claim while barnstorming Kentucky, which held its primary the same day as the Beaver State. "I am leading in the popular vote," Clinton said in a CNN broadcast. But Clinton's math is fuzzy or outright misleading.
Willamette Week |
Staff |
05-21-2008 |
Reed College: One of America's Most Permissive Drug Collegesnew
The private school with one of the most prestigious academic programs in the U.S. is one of the last schools in the country where students enjoy almost unlimited freedom to experiment openly with drugs, with little or no hassles from authorities.
Willamette Week |
Staff |
05-14-2008 |
Frank Rich in the Hot Seatnew
The New York Times columnist on Stephen Sondheim, Tim Burton and George W.'s acting chops.
Willamette Week |
Staff |
03-05-2008 |
Author Profiles & Interviews
Tags: Frank Rich
Singled Outnew
Willamette Week's love and sex issue checks in with 16 local daters and finds that everybody in Portland needs love -- even cougars, bears and Unitarians.
Willamette Week |
Staff |
02-06-2008 |
The Long and Winding 'Road Rules'new
I am now too old to get away with regularly watching MTV, which makes The Real World/Road Rules Challenge perfect for me. Let me explain.
Willamette Week |
Staff |
01-30-2008 |
Wordstock Returnsnew
Four authors -- Peter Sagal, Janet Fitch, Shane Koyczan, Adrian Tomine -- on the eve of Portland's biggest literary weekend.
Willamette Week |
Staff |
11-07-2007 |
A Hour-By-Hour Breakdown of MusicfestNWnew
Willamette Week sent our writers out to soak up both MusicfestNW and PICA's Time-Based Art Festival. And then their heads exploded.
Willamette Week |
Staff |
09-12-2007 |
Willamette Week's MusicfestNW Guidenew
MusicfestNW is that special time of year when Portland adopts the best of music everywhere and gives it a home. It's the four days when Stumptown venues and music fans open their doors and ears, respectively, to a super-concentrated brand of sonic awesomeness.
Willamette Week |
Staff |
09-05-2007 |
Tags: concerts