AltWeeklies Wire
Single Sex or Coed Schooling?new

Megan Braden-Perry on the choices made by New Orleans schools when it comes to student gender.
Tags: gender
Mind the Gapnew

The gender-income gap in Canada continues to exist. Despite advances by women in higher education attainment, greater participation in the workforce and decades of anti-discrimination legislation, Canada cannot shake a persistent wage gap—women are earning, on average, 70 percent of what men do.
VUE Weekly |
Samantha Power |
08-12-2011 |
Business & Labor
Cheerless: The Real Reason Lincoln High No Longer Has Spiritnew
Lincoln High’s boys basketball season opened Nov. 30 with all the fanfare one would expect. The bleachers were packed. Students wore the school’s red and white. The band played. Only one thing was missing: Lincoln’s cheerleaders.
Willamette Week |
Beth Slovic |
12-16-2009 |
Calgary Women Hired While Men Get Firednew

While studying poverty issues, non-profit group discovers that men are losing jobs while women are making gains.
Fast Forward Weekly |
Jeremy Klaszus |
08-06-2009 |
Every Word Counts in 'Girl Meets Boy'new
As part of a series called The Myths, Girl Meets Boy reworks the Iphis story handed down to us by Ovid in which a girl, brought up as a boy in an anti-female world, falls in love with a girl.
NOW Magazine |
Susan G. Cole |
07-07-2008 |
It's a ... Baby!new
At six months pregnant, here are some thoughts on the first question nearly everyone asks: "Are you going to find out?"
Metroland |
Miriam Axel-Lute |
03-23-2006 |
The Lady in Graynew
The cross-dressing Confederate soldier Loreta Janeta Velazquez, aka Lt. Harry Buford, is receiving renewed attention from historians and is the subject of an upcoming documentary.
Transgendered Community Struggles to Overcome Stereotypes
Gender reassignment surgery used to be covered under the provincial health plan. But the government cut funding just as Michelle Anderson was halfway through. Now, she and other transgendered activists are working to promote trans acceptance in the community at large
Monday Magazine |
Sarah Petrescu |
08-07-2004 |