AltWeeklies Wire

Every Word Counts in 'Girl Meets Boy'new

As part of a series called The Myths, Girl Meets Boy reworks the Iphis story handed down to us by Ovid in which a girl, brought up as a boy in an anti-female world, falls in love with a girl.
NOW Magazine  |  Susan G. Cole  |  07-07-2008  |  Fiction

Dual Brilliancenew

Short-listed for last year's Man Booker Prize, Smith's third novel is a clever postmodern confection filled with wordplay and formal inventiveness and cultural references both high and low.
Seattle Weekly  |  Mary Park  |  04-12-2006  |  Fiction

Amber Alertnew

This Bunuelian take on dysfunction demands that we make decisions.
The Village Voice  |  Jessica Winter  |  01-04-2006  |  Fiction

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