AltWeeklies Wire
'Death Magnetic' is a Return to Form for Metallicanew
The band's 10th studio album, produced by Rick Rubin, was hailed as a return to Metallica's speed metal days long before it was released in September. And it is.
C-Ville Weekly |
Scott Weaver |
10-01-2008 |
The Virginia GOP Pulls Out All the Stopsnew
Unless we're mistaken, the party is attempting the most complex, awe-inspiring and diabolical use of reverse psychology ever perpetrated upon the voting public to help McCain take the White House.
C-Ville Weekly |
Dan Catalano |
10-01-2008 |
Don't Let the Weasels in the Stock Market Doornew
I'm not really surprised when the managers of large corporations do something dishonest. But I'm surprised when they do dumb things against their own self-interest.
C-Ville Weekly |
Al Crabb |
10-01-2008 |
Taking a Look at Charlottesville's Invisible Workforcenew

Coping with language deficits and worries about anti-Latino hostility, Charlottesville immigrants stay under the radar, but if you look closely, you'll see how they prop up the city.
C-Ville Weekly |
Jayson Whitehead |
09-17-2008 |
Can Obama Turn Out the Youth Vote in November?new
In Virginia alone, over 100,000 folks have registered to vote in the last three months, and that's on top of the 150,000 who signed up during the primaries. And a huge chunk of these suffrage-seeking newbies are baby voters -- of the 49,000 who registered in August, a whopping 40 percent were ages 25 or under.
C-Ville Weekly |
Dan Catalano |
09-17-2008 |
'Bedlam South' is an Old War from a New Grishamnew
Mark Grisham (brother of John) and David Donaldson have a story they want to tell about the American Civil War, the birth of the practice of psychology in the United States and the hand of God in human affairs. That's a tall order for a debut set in a landscape already so thoroughly tunneled and trenched.
C-Ville Weekly |
Elizabeth McCullough |
09-17-2008 |
Taking Apart Some Common Wine Mythsnew
In my continuing quest to help my readers become obnoxious wine know-it-alls, thereby hastening my own obsolescence, I hereby present some common vinous misconceptions.
C-Ville Weekly |
J. Tobias Beard |
09-10-2008 |
'The Porn Trap' Tells the Stories of a Wide Range of Porn Addictsnew

Here we finally have a book that I believe will prove a great resource for individuals struggling with excessive use of pornography.
C-Ville Weekly |
Annette Owens |
09-10-2008 |
Biden's Smart Reaction to Palin Hubbubnew
Over the longer term, the Palin pick will probably collapse under the weight of its own lightness, and Biden is entirely correct not to react to her in any significant way.
C-Ville Weekly |
Alan Zimmerman |
09-10-2008 |
Why's it So Hard to be a Cyclist in Charlottesville?new

Naturally, a place like Charlottesville, with its LEED-certified Transit Center and focus on promoting car-free living in the heart of the city, could be expected to be an early adopter in promoting and supporting two-wheel living. Well, it is and it isn't.
C-Ville Weekly |
Chiara Canzi |
09-10-2008 |
Product Testing Wine Tools: The Vinturi Wine Aeratornew

This groovy little wine toy is a clear plastic device that looks like some kind of space-age crack pipe and promises "all the taste with none of the wait" (which is pretty much the raison d'etre of crack).
C-Ville Weekly |
J. Tobias Beard |
08-20-2008 |
The Poetry in 'Satin Cash' is Never Less than Splendidnew
For poets and non-poets alike, Spaar's overriding theme -- how the "one" figures in the "many" -- is the stuff of life.
C-Ville Weekly |
Doug Nordfors |
08-13-2008 |
Why You're a Moron if You Don't Like Rosésnew

There is a certain type of wine drinker who thinks of himself (it is often, but not always, a man) as being above drinking pink wine. When offered a rosé, he makes a pained look and says, "I'm not really into rosés," and what he means is, "I know a little something about wine, you see, and I know that white, sweet, and above all pink wines are not real wines. And I drink real wines."
C-Ville Weekly |
J. Tobias Beard |
07-30-2008 |
Sex Files: It's Never Too Late for Men to Deal With Premature Ejaculationnew
About 30 percent of men climax earlier than they want. Usually, the more anxious men get about the problem, the less control they have, creating a self-perpetuating cycle. The good news, however, is that it is often possible to make a clean break and start anew.
C-Ville Weekly |
Annette Owens |
07-30-2008 |
Prof Vikram Jaswal Explains Why Sad Children Learn Betternew
With the help of video clips from The Lion King and The Jungle Book and the music of Mozart and Mahler, researchers tested how a group of children's state of mind related to their ability to perform detail-oriented tasks. Jaswal discusses the surprising findings.
C-Ville Weekly |
Chiara Canzi |
07-30-2008 |
Children & Families