AltWeeklies Wire

Virginia's Gubernatorial Candidates Court Youth for High Voter Turnoutnew

During the last presidential election, young voter turnout was unprecedented. Among Democrats, the overall turnout jumped 90 percent in 2008, compared to four years earlier. Young Democrats' participation jumped 135 percent. Will the same number of young Virginians come out to vote for their future governor?
C-Ville Weekly  |  Chiara Canzi  |  08-26-2009  |  Politics

Chicago Dispatch: Obama's Indie Uprisingnew

As I stood in Grant Park with hundreds of thousands of fervent Obama supporters, it was hard not to wonder if all the rhetoric might be true. Was I, a Canadian interloper in Obama-land, about to witness the birth of a new America? Was a younger, more vital force taking over the country?
NOW Magazine  |  Ben Spurr  |  11-10-2008  |  Commentary

Can Obama Turn Out the Youth Vote in November?new

In Virginia alone, over 100,000 folks have registered to vote in the last three months, and that's on top of the 150,000 who signed up during the primaries. And a huge chunk of these suffrage-seeking newbies are baby voters -- of the 49,000 who registered in August, a whopping 40 percent were ages 25 or under.
C-Ville Weekly  |  Dan Catalano  |  09-17-2008  |  Politics

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