AltWeeklies Wire

The Future of Funerals Is Fresh-Faced ... and Femalenew

Despite a long male-only tradition, women are at last breaking through that glass-coffin ceiling and entering the funeral business.
Boston Phoenix  |  Sara Faith Alterman  |  02-26-2009  |  The War on Women

More Buyouts or Layoffs at the 'Boston Globe'new

The Globe needs 50 buyout volunteers. So far, few are cooperating — and that likely means bloodshed at the paper's Morrissey Boulevard HQ.
Boston Phoenix  |  Adam Reilly  |  02-26-2009  |  Media

As Facebook Gives Away Personal Info, At Least One Data-Miner is Nervousnew

Jason Kaufman was "alarmed" last week when he read that Facebook had subtly altered the text of its Terms of Use. What's notable about Kaufman's alarm is that he's one of the people who actually has access to Facebook users' private data.
Boston Phoenix  |  Mike Miliard  |  02-26-2009  |  Media

Congress's War on Toysnew

A new US law threatens to handcuff local indie artisans -- and could render certain kids' products contraband.
Boston Phoenix  |  Lissa Harris  |  02-05-2009  |  Policy Issues

The RIAA vs. Free Speechnew

The US recording industry is attempting to block the free public Webcast of its courtroom proceedings against Joel Tenenbaum, a Boston University grad student accused of illegally downloading music,
Boston Phoenix  |  Kyle Smeallie and Harvey Silverglate  |  02-05-2009  |  Civil Liberties

Judge Dismisses RNC Protest Casenew

After their arrests at 2008's Republican National Convention, a group of protestors known as the Wall 7, asked for a jury trial -- and got what they deserved.
Boston Phoenix  |  Jeff Inglis  |  02-05-2009  |  Civil Liberties

Pot Reform Backlash in Massachusettsnew

Since the state's 2008 ballot initiative lowering penalties for possessing small amounts of marijuana passed resoundingly, local law enforcement has been scrambling for unofficial overrides.
Boston Phoenix  |  Chris Farone  |  01-30-2009  |  Drugs

Another DEA 'No' for Medical Marijuananew

As the Bush administration sputters to its end, the DEA has taken a parting shot against science.
Boston Phoenix  |  Mike Miliard  |  01-16-2009  |  Drugs

Censoring Obama Hate-Speechnew

Free speech collides with hate speech when the anti-Obama talk turns ugly, but the rabid right has been holding its venomous tongue lately. Is Obama-phobia a thing of the past or just on hiatus? And what should be done about it?
Boston Phoenix  |  Adam Reilly  |  01-16-2009  |  Media

Facebook Becomes an Israeli-Palestinian 'Battleground'new

The war in Israel and Gaza has quickly expanded to Facebook, where backers of both camps are using many of the social networking site's features to voice their opinions in graphic and sometimes absurd ways.
Boston Phoenix  |  Peter Piatetsky  |  01-14-2009  |  Media

On American Campuses, Esperanto is an Extracurricular Languagenew

A recent Tuesday night meeting of the MIT Esperanto Club attracted four bookish-looking guys, chatting confidently in a language that sounds not unlike some weird mashed-up version of the Romances, with a dash of something possibly Slavic.
Boston Phoenix  |  Eva Wolchover  |  01-12-2009  |  Education

The World of Cryptids: A Creature Featurenew

As our planet edges closer to the apocalypse, the escapist, fantasy world of cryptozoology -- literally, the study of "hidden animals" -- is suddenly coming to life.
Boston Phoenix  |  Mike Miliard  |  01-09-2009  |  Animal Issues

The Year in Media Malfeasancenew

Thanks to the combination of a) the presidential race, and b) the ongoing immolation of the nation's newspaper industry -- there was a veritable cornucopia of media low points to enjoy in the bygone year.
Boston Phoenix  |  Adam Reilly  |  12-29-2008  |  Media

Can a Boston Start-Up Reinvent Foreign Reporting?new

In January, Philip Balboni and Charles Sennott will launch GlobalPost, a new Boston-based foreign-news-only service that will compete with the Associated Press and CNN.
Boston Phoenix  |  Adam Reilly  |  12-18-2008  |  Media

Changing D.C.'s Climate: Meet Obama's Green Dream Teamnew

On Monday, President-elect Barack Obama announced the officials he's tapped to begin reversing the environmental damage wrought by the Bushies. According to several environmental groups, the picks are inspired.
Boston Phoenix  |  Mike Miliard  |  12-18-2008  |  Environment

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