AltWeeklies Wire
You Bad, My Goodnew
Japanese pop stars Puffy AmiYumi are coming to the United States in support of their Cartoon Network TV show Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi. But reception from the independent media has been cold. A Bay Guardian writer takes on the indie-pop mafia.
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
Will York |
10-06-2004 |
Cell Dividenew
In the wake of the Bush administration's refusal to fund stem-cell research, a California ballot measure proposes the biggest state-funded effort yet. Christian conservatives aren't the only ones who oppose the proposition.
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
Tali Woodward |
09-29-2004 |
Policy Issues

This exercise in feel-good historical romanticism cannily exploits Che Guevara as icon by finding a quite legitimate context in which to ignore all the problematic aspects of his later life.
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
Dennis Harvey |
09-29-2004 |
Dirty Soapnew
After examining the pilot script for Six Feet Under and the music video treatment for Avril Lavigne's Sk8er Boi, the writers of Wet Palms, an online gay porn soap opera, are whipping up a new genre of dirty drama.
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
Johnny Ray Huston |
09-22-2004 |
Profiles & Interviews
Election infectionnew
Power, politics, and puppets converge in Bush's Brain and Silver City.
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
Cheryl Eddy |
09-15-2004 |
The Intimidatorsnew
Undercover agents harass activists -- along with a Bay Guardian reporter -- at the Republican National Convention.
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
Camille T. Taiara |
09-08-2004 |
Alone Togethernew

Marr-less but sometimes marvelous, Morrissey still courts an other half.
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
Johnny Ray Huston |
09-01-2004 |
Profiles & Interviews
Two Coolnew
San Francisco punk-folk duo Two Gallants ground their roots in reality.
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
Jonathan Zwickel |
09-01-2004 |
Profiles & Interviews
Give Donnie Darko One More Chancenew
With the release of the director's cut, two Bay Guardian critics give bizarre cult film Donnie Darko another chance.
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
Susan Gerhard |
09-01-2004 |
Donnie Darko's Paradise is Lostnew
With the release of the director's cut, two Bay Guardian critics give bizarre cult film Donnie Darko another chance.
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
Andrew Repasky McElhinney |
09-01-2004 |
Unmitigated Gallonew
Six angles on The Brown Bunny's vanishing points
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
Edward E. Crouse, Susan Gerhard, Chuck Stephens, Cheryl Eddy, Johnny Ray Huston and M.P. Klier |
09-01-2004 |
Bay Area Censored Stories Bay Guardian Picksnew
In concert with Project Censored, the San Francisco Bay Guardian staff pick the top 10 local stories the local media ignore.
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
Bay Guardian Staff |
09-01-2004 |
Censored! The Runners Upnew
Runners up to the 10 big news stories the national news media ignore.
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
Bay Guardian Staff |
09-01-2004 |
Censored! 10 Big Stories the National News Media Ignorenew

Wealth inequality, an attack on a human rights law and the Bush administration's manipulation of science are among the 10 big news stories that Project Censored has identified as not receiving the media attention they deserve.
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
Camille T. Taiara |
09-01-2004 |
Ground Zeronew
Republican convention protesters prepare for permitless rallies in bunkered-down city.
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
Marisa Handler |
08-25-2004 |