AltWeeklies Wire
The Young Man Behind the Iconnew
Young Che Guevara takes a road trip up the length of South America and discovers his humanity in this portrait of the future revolutionary as a young man.
Austin Chronicle |
Marc Savlov |
10-08-2004 |
Portrait of a Revolutionary as a Young Mannew
The journey as metaphor is a familiar one, charted in legends from the Odyssey to Easy Rider. Along the way, we know the youths will have their eyes opened, their hearts broken or, in the more cynical road movies, wind up dead.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta) |
Felicia Feaster |
09-30-2004 |

This exercise in feel-good historical romanticism cannily exploits Che Guevara as icon by finding a quite legitimate context in which to ignore all the problematic aspects of his later life.
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
Dennis Harvey |
09-29-2004 |