AltWeeklies Wire
In (the) Heatnew

The psychology, anthropology and politics of the summer fling.
Metro Times |
Travis R. Wright |
06-15-2011 |
When Innocence Is Pinknew

Wrongly convicted women fight for recognition, support, remedies.
Metro Times |
Sandra Svoboda |
01-19-2011 |
Crime & Justice
Michigan Debates the Future of Wind Powernew
Gov. Jennifer Granholm says the state can make a transformation from the "rust belt" to the "green belt" by aggressively pursuing policies that promote clean energy alternatives to the burning of fossil fuels.
Metro Times |
Curt Guyette |
05-11-2010 |
Get the Buzz: Why Bees are a Sweet Addition to City Lifenew
When I was a kid, my mother used to make a big jar of honey and fresh-squeezed lemon juice every winter. The thick, bittersweet concoction was our cough medicine, and we would gladly line up for a spoon of that rather than cod liver oil or castor oil — both of which were also freely passed out among us.
Metro Times |
Larry Gabriel |
03-16-2010 |
Fish Fry: Worst-Case Scenarios for Carp in the Great Lakesnew

Scientists, lawyers and the hosting politician had the to-be-expected persuasive presentations at a forum about what it would mean for Lake St. Clair and the Great Lakes if Asian carp breach barriers to rivers and canals in Indiana and Illinois and enter Lake Michigan.
Metro Times |
News Hits staff |
03-02-2010 |
A Detroit Neighborhood Fights for its Life, and an Ex-Cop Leads the Waynew

Earlier that day, James "Jack Rabbit" Jackson — a retired cop — parked his car in front of a dealer's house and pointed a video camera at him in a blatant effort to disrupt his business. It drove the guy away. Now he was coming back for Jackson and Jackson was waiting for him.
Metro Times |
Detroitblogger John |
02-23-2010 |
Crime & Justice
Amid the Detroit Schools Chaos, Who Helps Parents?new

Through her comments on Fox News and elsewhere, Sharlonda Buckman is stirring controversy. And the Detroit Parent Network is poised as an increasingly important player in the turf battles over education in Detroit. With increased importance is likely to come increased scrutiny.
Metro Times |
Sandra Svoboda |
12-29-2009 |
Not so Pretty in Pinknew
Has feminism been replaced by the pink-ribbon breast cancer cult? When the House of Representatives passed the Stupak amendment, which would take abortion rights away even from women who have private insurance, the female response ranged from muted to inaudible.
Metro Times |
Barbara Ehrenreich |
12-15-2009 |
The War on Women
Juan Cole: Afghanistan 'Needs a Light Touch'new

"You just have to accept that there's going to be a certain amount of disorder in the countryside as long as people are organized tribally. And if you put 100,000 or 150,000 Western troops in there, that's just more people to feud with."
Metro Times |
Curt Guyette and W. Kim Heron |
11-17-2009 |
Upside Down in Pontiac: How Investors Walk Away from Disasternew
Many Pontiac houses sit and continue to decline in value, blight the community, attract nuisances, cost lenders and the city money in maintenance, and pull down the values of nearby properties. Some have resold for a fraction of their taxable values, further driving down home prices around them. Others will sit vacant for years.
Metro Times |
Sandra Svoboda |
09-15-2009 |
Local or Not? A Brief Guide to Whether 'Detroit' Brands Are Really from Detroitnew
It's not always easy knowing for certain what's local and what's not. Part of it depends on how you want to define the term. In reality, there's a spectrum of what qualifies as local, with the purest light coming from those companies that are locally owned with local manufacturing facilities.
Metro Times |
Curt Guyette |
08-25-2009 |
Business & Labor
Michigan Law Clinic Springs Two Men from Prisonnew

The University of Michigan Innocence Clinic -- considered the first such law school project in the country to tackle cases without DNA evidence -- celebrated its first success recently when Marvin Reed and his nephew Deshawn were released from prison.
Metro Times |
Sandra Svoboda |
08-11-2009 |
Crime & Justice
Looking Back on Walter Cronkite, the Last Man to Unite Us as Americansnew
Cronkite was the last newsman to make us feel that we were one country. We saw ourselves as united in a voyage of discovery, having to fend off evil and outside perils, and on a mission to make our lives and the world we lived in better. We were basically a good people who sometimes screwed up, but we were trying to make a living and make sense of this world together.
Metro Times |
Jack Lessenberry |
07-28-2009 |
Will Backroom Deals Keep Detroit's Garbage Incinerator Burning?new
The July 1 deadline for deciding the long-term future for disposal of Detroit's garbage has come and gone, but we can't tell you with any certainty what that future will be.
Metro Times |
Staff |
07-14-2009 |
Michigan Communities Use HUD Dollars for Demolition, Rehab and Ownershipnew

In Michigan, the HUD Neighborhood Stabilization Program is funding projects aimed at offsetting some of the harmful effects that foreclosed and vacant properties have on neighborhoods, as well as increasing home ownership and redevelopment.
Metro Times |
Sandra Svoboda |
06-09-2009 |