AltWeeklies Wire

Fool-ish Gamesnew

Live-action role players make Colorado University the domain of vampires and werewolves.
Boulder Weekly  |  Vince Darcangelo  |  01-30-2006  |  Culture

Does Your Vote Count?new

Critics say Colorado's Boulder County is poised to waste millions on new voting equipment and possibly disenfranchise voters in the process.
Boulder Weekly  |  Grace Hood  |  01-10-2006  |  Civil Liberties

Year-End, Best-Of Music Lists Suck... Except For This Onenew

Tsar, Dropkick Murphys, and Straylight Run garnered top honors in this year-end, best-of music list.
Boulder Weekly  |  Vince Darcangelo  |  12-30-2005  |  Reviews

Soul of the Citynew

Who says Denver don't have hip-hop? D.O. The Fabulous Drifter, the conscience of the Mile High hip-hop community, offers this guided tour of the seldom-seen parts of Colorado and the heart of Denver hip-hop.
Boulder Weekly  |  Vince Darcangelo  |  12-27-2005  |  Profiles & Interviews

Pirates of Intelligent Designnew

Bobby Henderson and his Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster theorize that the universe was created by a celestial clump of pasta. Go stick that in your science books.
Boulder Weekly  |  Vince Darcangelo  |  12-19-2005  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

All He Wants for Xmas Is to Be on TVnew

A critic looks at three television shows absurd enough to warrant that he make a guest appearance on them in 2006.
Boulder Weekly  |  Vince Darcangelo  |  12-19-2005  |  TV

Year of the Aqua Teensnew

Aqua Teen Hunger Force creators Matt Maiellaro and David R. Willis are the reigning kings of late-night cartoons. With plans for world domination in 2006, they discuss the new season and the upcoming Aqua Teen movie.
Boulder Weekly  |  Vince Darcangelo  |  12-12-2005  |  TV

Locked Outnew

As the nation debates voting rights for ex-offenders, the Colorado ACLU initiates a class-action lawsuit that would expand rights to felons on parole.
Boulder Weekly  |  Grace Hood  |  12-08-2005  |  Crime & Justice

Hollywood, We Have a Problem

The typical Hollywood release wasn’t simply mediocre this year; it was downright miserable. In the ongoing war between intelligent design and dumb and dumber writing, the latter is way ahead on points.
Boulder Weekly  |  Thomas Delapa  |  11-29-2005  |  Movies

A Night With HurryDatenew

Adventures in speed dating involving Green Day, Christian rockers and one really hot Rayon shirt leaves a columnist stressing when he doesn't garner the attention of every girl in the room.
Boulder Weekly  |  Vince Darcangelo  |  11-18-2005  |  Culture

Behind Enemy Linesnew

Worming into the belly of the Bible-thumping beast, infiltration journalist Harmon Leon goes undercover as a conservative, joining political activism with absurdist theater.
Boulder Weekly  |  Vince Darcangelo  |  11-14-2005  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

You Can't Spell 'Funeral' Without F-U-Nnew

Mary Roach explores great misadventures in paranormal research and makes our final destination seem less like a morgue and more like a comedy club.
Boulder Weekly  |  Vince Darcangelo  |  11-14-2005  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

A Song to Pass the Timenew

Emo's one-time wonder boy grows up to be an indie-folk superstar.
Boulder Weekly  |  Vince Darcangelo  |  11-08-2005  |  Profiles & Interviews

The World According to Henrynew

Back from his sixth USO tour, Henry Rollins talks about the troops, the war, and what it was like sleeping in Uday Hussein's bed.
Boulder Weekly  |  Vince Darcangelo  |  11-08-2005  |  Performance

Horses: The Other Red Meatnew

Activists want to save them; Europeans and Asians want to eat them; but Congress is putting the slaughter of horses for human consumption on the chopping block.
Boulder Weekly  |  Daniel Boniface  |  10-25-2005  |  Animal Issues

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