AltWeeklies Wire

Sex and scatology, cadavers and ghosts: the indecorous enthusiasms of author Mary Roachnew

An interview with Mary Roach.
INDY Week  |  Brian Howe  |  04-14-2014  |  Books

What Mary Roach Doesn't Want to Talk About in 'Bonk'new

Sadism recognizes taboo and guilt and shame; the transgression is the point. But for science, and for Roach, taboo is simply superstition, a roadblock the repressed throw up between sex and pleasure, and between research and its funding.
Chicago Reader  |  Noah Berlatsky  |  04-28-2008  |  Nonfiction

Author Mary Roach Moves from Death to Sexnew

She has a very casual style of writing, yet it lends itself well to science reporting and her survey of the world of sex research.
NOW Magazine  |  Joseph Wilson  |  04-11-2008  |  Nonfiction

You Can't Spell 'Funeral' Without F-U-Nnew

Mary Roach explores great misadventures in paranormal research and makes our final destination seem less like a morgue and more like a comedy club.
Boulder Weekly  |  Vince Darcangelo  |  11-14-2005  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

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