AltWeeklies Wire

Animated Cartoon: Obamanomics 101

Obama says we're losing fewer jobs. Because, of course, there are fewer jobs left to lost.
Maui Time  |  Ted Rall  |  09-27-2009  |  Cartoons

Cartoon: Recovery is at Handnew

Each month, fewer jobs are lost than the month before. Which is because there are fewer jobs left to lose.
Maui Time  |  Ted Rall  |  09-23-2009  |  Cartoons

Cartoon: Rejection.comnew the company that not only accepts the awful truth that there are no jobs out there for you to find -- but also exploits it. Finally, a win-win!
Maui Time  |  Ted Rall  |  09-14-2009  |  Cartoons

Cartoon: The Furtive Economynew

Everyone is unemployed. Why is the economy doing well? There may be an explanation to be found in the natural world.
Maui Time  |  Ted Rall  |  08-31-2009  |  Cartoons

How the Recession Created a New Breed of Stay-at-Home Dadsnew

When the economy finally collapsed a few months back, my short-lived run as the only stay-at-home dad in the neighborhood evaporated along with tens of thousands of jobs. Dads began popping up everywhere. At the park. At the library for Storytime. At Baby Gap.
New York Press  |  Chuck Pagano  |  06-18-2009  |  Culture

Tennessee Gov. Considers Turning His Back on the Unemployednew

Tennessee Governor Phil Bredesen says he may turn down millions of dollars in federal stimulus money rather than expand unemployment benefits in ways that many other states did long ago.
Nashville Scene  |  Jeff Woods  |  03-05-2009  |  Economy

More Than 9,000 Minnesotans are Homeless. I Decided to Join Them for a Weeknew

I don't claim to have experienced homelessness at its most hopeless, its most real, nor do I intend to trivialize the travails that go along with it. Nevertheless, it's hoped that this diary will provide a window into day-to-day affairs, maybe even practical advice for those who may soon find themselves battling the real thing.
City Pages (Twin Cities)  |  Matt Snyders  |  12-01-2008  |  Housing & Development

Chips of Wrath: Unemployment Rising Before the Crisisnew

In the face of near uniform economic analysis from the nation's mainstream media, we set out to find a big picture economist willing to buck conventional wisdom: the economic downturn is a mere blip on the capitalist EKG monitor.
Boise Weekly  |  Nathaniel Hoffman  |  11-27-2008  |  Economy

Plywood Problemsnew

The bigger picture behind Stimson Lumber Company's closure.
Missoula Independent  |  Jessie McQuillan  |  05-18-2007  |  Business & Labor

The Latest Trend: Poverty -- and It's on the Risenew

In Illinois, there are more than 1.56 million people living below the poverty line, and the number is expected to grow.
Illinois Times  |  Joan Villa  |  10-28-2005  |  Economy

Broke and Loving Itnew

Laid-off dotcommers have written guides to staying cheerful while unemployed. Also reviewed: Dean LaTourrette and Kristine Enea's Time Off! The Upside to Downtime.
The Village Voice  |  Anya Kamenetz  |  09-26-2005  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

Black Democrats Revive Benjamin Banneker Clubnew

The club, named after an African-American intellectual and astronomer who died in 1806, sees its mission as encouraging minority-citizen participation in the Democratic Party process as well as identifying and promoting minority candidates for public office in New York State's Onondaga County.
Syracuse New Times  |  Walt Shepperd  |  06-15-2004  |  Politics

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