AltWeeklies Wire
Adopted Children are Left Behind in Washington,

Jenn Thomas and Kevin Fox, both teachers, met in Cardozo Senior High School in 2001. They married in 2003. On Sept. 4, 2006, they agreed to adopt a baby boy and became financially responsible for his life from then on. Max was born at George Washington Hospital the next day.
Washington City Paper |
Amanda Hess |
02-18-2010 |
Children & Families
Baby Blues: A Lesbian Couple's Quest for a Childnew

Joanna and Tamara have spent more than $40,000 trying to have a baby through in vitro fertilization with no luck; meanwhile, people around the country are disposing of embryos and foregoing the storage fee during the economic decline.
Weekly Alibi |
Marisa Demarco |
12-31-2009 |
Healthier Food Choices Through Vouchers, WICnew
Fresh fruits, vegetables and bread are among the new food items making their way into the diets of New Orleans' roughly 24,000 participants in the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC).
Gambit |
Michael Patrick Welch |
12-30-2009 |
Children & Families
Man Up: Another Side to the Domestic Violence Storynew
Publicly, Joshua Gonze supports a controversial cause known as “fathers’ rights.” Less known is that for years, Gonze has been able to suppress and counter domestic abuse claims made by two former spouses.
Santa Fe Reporter |
Corey Pein |
12-17-2009 |
Children & Families
Joe Queenan's 'Closing Time' is Self-Servingnew
Queenan's memoir turns out to be another bit of his trademark mean-spirited vengeance on his old man's battered ghost.
Philadelphia Weekly |
Jaime O'Neill |
06-16-2009 |
How Paid Sick Days Could Save Milwaukee Moneynew
According to a study conducted by the nonpartisan Washington, D.C.-based Institute for Women’s Policy Research (IWPR), there are very real economic benefits for both employers and employees that would result if the proposed Milwaukee Paid Sick Days referendum is approved by city voters on Nov. 4.
Shepherd Express |
Lisa Kaiser |
09-19-2008 |
Policy Issues
Divorce, Connecticut-Stylenew
Our court battles are long, nasty and expensive. Is there a better way?
New Haven Advocate |
Daniel D'Ambrosio |
07-29-2008 |
Utah Schools Hassling Immigrants About Enrolling Their Children in Public Schoolsnew
The ink on the state's sweeping new get-tough-on-immigrants law isn't even dry yet. In fact, the law doesn't take effect until July 1, 2009. But reports that immigrant children are being denied enrollment or being told they must pay tuition of around $6,000 to attend a free public school are trickling in.
Salt Lake City Weekly |
Ted McDonough |
04-25-2008 |
New Mexico Prison Activist Plans New Group for Familiesnew
Tilda Sosaya's new group, Prisoners and Families United, is the successor to the Committee on Prison Accountability, which eventually went under in 2002 amid internal divisions. "I feel that prisoners and their families still need a voice," she says, adding that the "fundamental purpose" of the group will be to organize released prisoners and their families.
Santa Fe Reporter |
David Alire Garcia |
04-11-2008 |
Crime & Justice
Wedding Tips for Blended Familiesnew
How do couples with kids from previous partnerships negotiate weddings?
Eugene Weekly |
Amanda Burhop |
01-12-2007 |
Just Saying No to Kidsnew

Are the childfree a fast-growing, misunderstood segment of the population — or just a bunch of mean ol' kid haters?
Metro Times |
Sarah Klein |
12-28-2005 |
The Gayby Boom: Gay Families with Kids on the Risenew
The number of gay and lesbian couples with children is growing rapidly, but parents must create a legal patchwork to protect their children. Luckily, studies say, the kids are all right.
Black Democrats Revive Benjamin Banneker Clubnew
The club, named after an African-American intellectual and astronomer who died in 1806, sees its mission as encouraging minority-citizen participation in the Democratic Party process as well as identifying and promoting minority candidates for public office in New York State's Onondaga County.
Syracuse New Times |
Walt Shepperd |
06-15-2004 |