AltWeeklies Wire

A Womb Dividednew

Anti-abortion advocates split over “Heartbeat Bill”
The Other Paper  |  Lyndsey Teter  |  02-11-2011  |  Policy Issues

Planned Personhoodnew

The pro-life movement’s newest attack on reproductive rights raises its profile in Florida.
Orlando Weekly  |  Billy Manes  |  01-31-2011  |  Policy Issues

Tensions Put Abortion Clinics on High Alertnew

George Tiller's murderer sentenced to life on the eve of Good Friday, a day notorious for large anti-abortion protests. One Albuquerque doctor steps up to provide third-trimester abortions.
Weekly Alibi  |  Marisa Demarco  |  04-12-2010  |  Sex

Not so Pretty in Pinknew

Has feminism been replaced by the pink-ribbon breast cancer cult? When the House of Representatives passed the Stupak amendment, which would take abortion rights away even from women who have private insurance, the female response ranged from muted to inaudible.
Metro Times  |  Barbara Ehrenreich  |  12-15-2009  |  The War on Women

The Battle Over a Woman's Right to Choose Rages Outside Louisville's Only Abortion Clinicnew

While the Stupak Amendment suggests there's a movement afoot in the nation's capital to scale back accessibility to abortion, Kentucky is already among a contingent of socially conservative states that make it especially difficult for a woman to terminate her pregnancy.
LEO Weekly  |  Farrah Johnson  |  11-18-2009  |  Sex

Planned Parenthood Gets Squeezed Out in Orange Countynew

Anti-abortion-rights activists and the Orange County Board of Supervisors teamed up to cut off funding to Planned Parenthood.
OC Weekly  |  Daffodil J. Altan  |  07-07-2009  |  Sex

Abortion Wars Turn Deadly With the Murder of Dr. George Tillernew

I've been on the front lines of the choice wars in Los Angeles. We were very aware that we were putting our lives on the line with these wackos. "Baby Killers!" they'd yell at us as we protected family planning clinics.
Pasadena Weekly  |  Ellen Snortland  |  06-15-2009  |  Sex

Questions Surround Wisconsin Pro-Life Organization's Rhetoricnew

Wisconsin Right to Life's ads against proposed abortion services at a Madison clinic are seen by some as reckless and inflammatory.
Shepherd Express  |  Lisa Kaiser  |  06-12-2009  |  Policy Issues

Federal Judge Recognizes More Rights for the Unbornnew

Following the tragic shooting in Kansas last month, pro-choice advocates have been dealt another disheartening setback: a federal judge in Bangor, Maine, has recognized a new right of fetuses that could become a key element in the nation's ongoing abortion debate.
Boston Phoenix  |  Jeff Inglis  |  06-10-2009  |  Sex

The Murder of Dr. George Tiller Recalls the Long History of Anti-Abortion Violencenew

Angela Williams of Chapel Hill recalls an experience 20 years ago in which she faced down abortion opponents organized by Operation Rescue and became convinced of their violent extremism.
INDY Week  |  Angela Williams as told to Fiona Morgan  |  06-04-2009  |  The War on Women

Right-Wing Terror: The Murder of Dr. George Tillernew

Is the murder of abortion doctor George Tiller in Kansas the start of a new anti-choice terror campaign?
Boston Phoenix  |  Boston Phoenix  |  06-03-2009  |  Sex

Pro-Choice Provocateur: Meet Cambridge Divinity Dean Katherine Ragsdalenew

Rev. Katherine Ragsdale, who next month will become president and dean of Cambridge's Episcopal Divinity School, is an abortion-rights champion -- and bete noire to the right.
Boston Phoenix  |  Adam Reilly  |  06-03-2009  |  Religion

The Hypocrisy of the American Pro-Life Movementnew

For pro-lifers to consistently and enthusiastically vote for leaders whose foreign policies will admittedly lead to the deaths of thousands of civilians — women, children, babies — in order to achieve political objectives is something I cannot understand.
Charleston City Paper  |  Jack Hunter  |  01-28-2009  |  Commentary

In California, the Mystery Voters Have Their Waynew

The record-breaking 13-million-plus voters proved to be a mercurial throng who followed no code or discernible ideology, placing into the state constitution a ban on gay marriage, even as they trampled a proposal to require notification of parents whose daughters seek abortions. It was an almost schizophrenic Coalition of Whatever.
L.A. Weekly  |  Jill Stewart  |  11-07-2008  |  Politics

Sarah Palin Boosts Planned Parenthoodnew

A viral email has urged people who disliked the Alaska governor's under-no-circumstance view on abortion to donate to Planned Parenthood, in her honor.
Boston Phoenix  |  Shuchi Saraswat  |  10-09-2008  |  Politics

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