AltWeeklies Wire
What We Don't Knownew
It's hard to tell just how pervasive the Bush administration's spying program is -- the documents, like so many others, are secret.
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
A. C. Thompson, Steven T. Jones and G.W. Schulz |
03-08-2006 |
Civil Liberties
Tags: domesticspying, FOIA
Caller IDnew
Sprint helps George W. Bush and his spies.
The Pitch |
C.J. Janovy |
02-21-2006 |
Civil Liberties
How Far Does Bush Spying Go?
The Senate Judiciary Committee began its investigation into the Bush administration's secret wiretapping program on Feb. 5 by calling Attorney General Alberto Gonzales as its first witness.
Random Lengths News |
Paul Rosenberg |
02-16-2006 |
Tags: domesticspying
Red State, Meet Police Statenew
Is Homeland Security's harrassment of a federal employee for the stickers on his car a mistake, a new rule or part of a trend of the First Amendment being bullied out of existence?
Boise Weekly |
Nicholas Collias |
02-15-2006 |
Civil Liberties
The War on Privacynew
Rumsfeld warns that the enemy can succeed in changing our way of life, but it already has.
The Village Voice |
Nat Hentoff |
02-15-2006 |
Civil Liberties
Big Brother is Watchingnew
A letter printed in the Alibi leads to the investigation of local VA nurse Laura Berg for "sedition."
Weekly Alibi |
Steven Robert Allen |
02-10-2006 |
Civil Liberties
Bush’s Real Motivenew
The president's persistent support of the National Security Agency's warrantless eavesdropping program represents much more than a stubborn presidential effort to catch terrorists.
Boston Phoenix |
Harvey Silverglate |
02-09-2006 |
Civil Liberties
Is Bush Opening Your Mail?new
When asked directly by the U.S. Senate, Alberto Gonzales wouldn't say.
The Village Voice |
James Ridgeway |
02-07-2006 |
Civil Liberties
The Ultimate Spiderwebnew
NSA whistle-blower wants to tell congress what he knows, but they don't have clearance to hear him.
The Village Voice |
Nat Hentoff |
01-26-2006 |
Civil Liberties
Can't Stop, Won't Stopnew
Domestic surveillance is hard to defend, regardless of how long Bush campaigns behind it.
Los Angeles CityBeat |
Editorial |
01-26-2006 |
Pelosi Knew About Spyingnew
Rep. Nancy Pelosi last month responded to the Bush administration's warrantless spying scandal by revealing that she'd known about it all along.
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
Steven T. Jones |
01-25-2006 |
Who's Watching?new
New York City activist groups react to new spy tactics.
The Village Voice |
Jarrett Murphy |
01-25-2006 |
Civil Liberties
A Question of Presidential Powernew
The Alito vote once again raises the specter of an unchecked White House.
The Village Voice |
James Ridgeway |
01-24-2006 |
Wiretaps Spur Impeachment Talk
There is a growing chorus of conservative voices who are breaking with the administration on political surveillance having nothing to do with terrorism.
Random Lengths News |
Paul Rosenberg |
01-19-2006 |
Tags: domesticspying
The Right to Be Left Alonenew
If you think only terrorists have been injured in the "war on terror," think again.
Reno News & Review |
Editorial |
01-19-2006 |