AltWeeklies Wire

Bloomberg, NYPD Finally Piss Off The Medianew

Once a useful document that allowed reporters to witness events at a closer proximity, the NYPD press pass is now officially worthless.
The Village Voice  |  Graham Rayman  |  11-21-2011  |  #OCCUPY

Occupy Wall Street Raidnew

​The NYPD cleared out Zuccotti Park in the wee hours of this morning, effectively ending the nearly two-month-old Occupy Wall Street occupation and destroying much of the occupiers' gear.
The Village Voice  |  Rosie Gray  |  11-15-2011  |  #OCCUPY

'Occupy Wall Street' Updatesnew

The latest "Occupy Wall Street" updates from Village Voice staff reporters on the scene.
The Village Voice  |  Staff  |  10-06-2011  |  #OCCUPY

Why #OccupyWallStreet Failed

Despite the protesters' many missteps, which were inevitable due to their lack of experience and political seasoning, the Occupy Wall Streeters should be commended. Sure, they did some stupid things. But they have taken a first (tentative) step into history. They have learned lessons. Hopefully they will be smarter next time.
Maui Time  |  Ted Rall  |  09-28-2011  |  Commentary

Credible Threat?new

By looking at a New York City cop's final battle with his bosses, a possible link between last October's terror scare and the mayoral race emerges.
The Village Voice  |  Jarrett Murphy  |  03-15-2006  |  Politics

Who's Watching?new

New York City activist groups react to new spy tactics.
The Village Voice  |  Jarrett Murphy  |  01-25-2006  |  Civil Liberties

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