AltWeeklies Wire

Wake-Up Callnew

As our country runs amok, the people sleep, hoping against hope that the government isn't tapping into their dreams.
North Bay Bohemian  |  Peter Byrne  |  03-10-2006  |  Commentary

Caller IDnew

Sprint helps George W. Bush and his spies.
The Pitch  |  C.J. Janovy  |  02-21-2006  |  Civil Liberties

The War on Privacynew

Rumsfeld warns that the enemy can succeed in changing our way of life, but it already has.
The Village Voice  |  Nat Hentoff  |  02-15-2006  |  Civil Liberties

Is Bush Opening Your Mail?new

When asked directly by the U.S. Senate, Alberto Gonzales wouldn't say.
The Village Voice  |  James Ridgeway  |  02-07-2006  |  Civil Liberties

The Ultimate Spiderwebnew

NSA whistle-blower wants to tell congress what he knows, but they don't have clearance to hear him.
The Village Voice  |  Nat Hentoff  |  01-26-2006  |  Civil Liberties

Pelosi Knew About Spyingnew

Rep. Nancy Pelosi last month responded to the Bush administration's warrantless spying scandal by revealing that she'd known about it all along.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Steven T. Jones  |  01-25-2006  |  Politics

The Right to Be Left Alonenew

If you think only terrorists have been injured in the "war on terror," think again.
Reno News & Review  |  Editorial  |  01-19-2006  |  Commentary

The Messenger Takes a Beatingnew

Don't blame the New York Times -- save some anger for the government that's spying on us.
The Village Voice  |  Sydney H. Schanberg  |  01-11-2006  |  Media

George Bush: Master Spynew

The unilateral president is exposed in his ignorance of the Constitution he's sworn to protect.
The Village Voice  |  Nat Hentoff  |  01-09-2006  |  Civil Liberties

I Spy

Activists in Reno say domestic spying isn't merely about catching Al Qaeda.
Reno News & Review  |  Deidre Pike  |  01-06-2006  |  Civil Liberties

Bush: 'I'm Not Making This Up'new

Our plaintive president pleads case for war, wiretapping.
The Village Voice  |  James Ridgeway  |  01-05-2006  |  Civil Liberties

The Gray Lady in Shadownew

Could publication of the domestic-spying story lead to indictment of the New York Times?
Boston Phoenix  |  Harvey Silverglate  |  01-05-2006  |  Media

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