AltWeeklies Wire

Conspiracy is in the Air ... No Wonder Hollywood is Embracing Paranoianew

With 9/11 Truthers, Birthers, Tea Partyers, and even Obama school-speech muckrakers dominating news cycles, conspiracy is clearly in the air. Hollywood has noticed -- that's why theaters are suddenly awash in paranoia.
Boston Phoenix  |  Peter Keough  |  09-10-2009  |  Movies

Field Guide to Facebooknew

Log on at your own peril! We take you on a surfing safari and break down the site's 19 most browser-busting bozos.
Boston Phoenix  |  Kara Baskin  |  09-03-2009  |  Tech

A Chat With Bobcat Goldthwait, the Jean Renoir of Sicko Humornew

Goldthwait, who parlayed his wild-haired-screamer persona into a zillion comic-relief roles on screens big and small in the eighties, has spent this decade behind the camera. World's Greatest Dad, starring old friend Robin Williams, draws forth from the fertile manure of deviant practices some tender blossoms of understanding.
Boston Phoenix  |  Betsy Sherman  |  09-03-2009  |  Profiles & Interviews

Gerald Peary's Ode To The Film Criticnew

Rock critics rarely cut gold records. Likewise, few football reporters go on to quarterback Super Bowl winners. But with his eight-years-in-the-making documentary on film criticism, long-time critic and professor Gerald Peary incinerates the barrier between subject and reporter, demonstrating more than mere comprehension of the art he's scrutinized for decades.
Boston Phoenix  |  Chris Faraone  |  09-03-2009  |  Reviews

Kennedy's Giant Shadownew

Though he won't be on the ballot, Ted Kennedy's influence will be keenly felt in the special election to replace him.
Boston Phoenix  |  David Bernstein  |  09-03-2009  |  Politics

Living With HPVnew

It's the STD that afflicts millions. And yet few have come forward to share their travails with this nightmarish virus. Now one woman is ready to tell her story.
Boston Phoenix  |  Lisa Spinelli  |  09-02-2009  |  Culture

Is 'Project Runway' Walking in Circles?new

As I watched this season's 16 Project Runway hopefuls squinting into the setting sun during their champagne reception, it was hard not to view the scene as a sad little metaphor for the state of the show. What's supposed to feel like the beginning of something new sure looks a lot more like the end of something old.
Boston Phoenix  |  Michael Brodeur  |  08-27-2009  |  TV

New Hampshire Transplants Live Free -- or Die Tryingnew

They're digging up public squares. They're smoking pot and baring breasts. And they openly carry guns. New Hampshire residents are divided as to whether the Free State Project is a godsend or a nuisance.
Boston Phoenix  |  Chris Faraone  |  08-27-2009  |  Civil Liberties

Who Will Replace Ted Kennedy in the Senate?new

The death of Senator Edward M. Kennedy early Wednesday morning hastens the issue of succession to the seat he has held since he was elected in 1962, a topic that has gripped the state's political class since Kennedy's brain tumor was discovered more than a year ago.
Boston Phoenix  |  David S. Bernstein  |  08-27-2009  |  Politics

Thriller Writer (And Former CIA Recruit) Joseph Finder Shares Trade Secretsnew

Truth can be stranger than fiction. When Boston thriller writer Joseph Finder discovered how easy it would be for someone to sneak into this country with a fake passport, he didn't put that into his 1995 book Zero Hour. But the one-time CIA recruit hasn't held back on other trade secrets.
Boston Phoenix  |  Clea Simon  |  08-19-2009  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

New England Plays Catch-Up in the Green Energy Racenew

New England may be used to being the birthplace of revolutions, but in the case of wind power, that ship has sailed. States out West are far outproducing us, and will likely continue to. That said, we still could be a player in the nascent wind industry; we've just got some catching up to do.
Boston Phoenix  |  Mike Miliard  |  08-19-2009  |  Environment

Why Wind Power Blowsnew

Those who want to run straight for the first ridgetop and put up a turbine might want to slow down a second. In addition to its distinct advantages, wind power has real drawbacks that must be addressed before it is hailed as our global-warming savior.
Boston Phoenix  |  Deirdre Fulton  |  08-19-2009  |  Environment

The Right Wing's Health Care Reform Town Hall All-Starsnew

With the Town Hall disruption craze inciting the nation and consuming news cycles, it seems there's a fresh crop of potential poster children powering the increasingly aggravated right-wing noise machine.
Boston Phoenix  |  Chris Faraone  |  08-19-2009  |  Commentary

Players Only: A Peek Inside the World of Harmonixnew

Harmonix Music Systems is a Cambridge video-game company behind the Rock Band franchise and Guitar Hero. You may have seen the ad for its upcoming Beatles game -- it was recently playing on 100-foot screens behind Sir Paul at Fenway.
Boston Phoenix  |  Matt Parish  |  08-19-2009  |  Video Games

Remember Onyx? They’re Still Pissednew

There was a moment between the late 80s and the early 90s when hip-hop was cheerier than diaper commercials. Then along came Onyx -- shamelessly slinging, slamming, shooting, and reminding us that hip-hop has a dark side.
Boston Phoenix  |  Chris Faraone  |  08-13-2009  |  Profiles & Interviews

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