AltWeeklies Wire

Philly's UFOlogists Tell Us Why They Believenew

UFO sightings in the Philadelphia metro area are up by more than 700 percent this year. Boomerang-shaped UFOs, rhomboids, fireballs, UFOs that spew a silvery metallic substance that changes the chemical makeup of privet bushes and poisons robins -- you name it, we saw it.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Steven Wells  |  12-15-2008  |  Culture

Geek Glasses Transform Sexy Superstars into Really Sexy Superstarsnew

Through a thoroughly scientific study of entirely anecdotal evidence, I am here to prove that oversized, plastic–frame glasses have the power to transform the lamest of losers into the coolest, smartest, funniest, prettiest, best–smelling people who ever did exist.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Caralyn Green  |  12-08-2008  |  Commentary

Q-Tip Beats 'Democracy' to the Punch with 'The Renaissance'new

All this talk of Chinese Democracy finally seeing the light of day has overshadowed another album many of us -- at least those in the hip-hop community -- thought would never come to be: Q-Tip's second album, The Renaissance.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Craig D. Lindsey  |  12-08-2008  |  Reviews

Shopping in Bodegas is Bad for Your Healthnew

Cheap eats are in ample supply in neighborhoods where you're more likely to spot a unicorn than organic fruit and vegetables.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Brian McManus  |  12-08-2008  |  Food+Drink

Angela Crafton Brings Unusual Cred to Philly's Prison Arts Programnew

Crafton has taught mural painting to Philadelphia prison system inmates for the past five years. But a decade ago, she was incarcerated herself.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Frank Rubino  |  12-08-2008  |  Art

The Angry Grammarian: Forgetting Sarah Palinnew

Perhaps the most prized spoil of the election is the richest word to enter the lexicon in a long time. Like all the best neologisms, it's descriptive, it's self-explanatory and it just makes you feel so good: "Palinfreude."
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Jeffrey Barg  |  11-17-2008  |  Commentary

The Secret Face of HIVnew

HIV/AIDS is the No. 1 killer of black American women between 25 and 34. But the fastest growing segment of HIV incidence is among black women in their 50s and 60s. Yes, Grandma has AIDS.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Kellie C. Murphy  |  11-17-2008  |  Science

Marc Vetri's New Cookbook Has Italian Recipes You Can Make at Homenew

Flip to a random recipe in Il Viaggio di Vetri and chances are, with ingredients on hand, you can prepare it after work.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Mara Zepeda  |  11-17-2008  |  Food+Drink

How Could Anyone Think 'Gossip Girl' is Good TV?new

It might make sense if a bunch of rich high school kids had exciting adventures and did really cool things, but on Gossip Girl rich high schoolers are just as boring and pathetic as regular high schoolers. That's probably true in real life, but that's not why we watch TV.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Daniel McQuade  |  11-17-2008  |  TV

Election '08: Welcome Back, Americanew

This election was America's absolute last chance not to be a dick. And you took it. Electing Obama was such an astoundingly cool thing to do that it wiped out -- at least temporarily -- all the incompetent, arrogant, bloody horror of the Bush years. You are forgiven.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Steven Wells  |  11-10-2008  |  Commentary

'No Family History' Studies the Link Between Cancer and Pollutionnew

The new documentary feature written and directed by University of Pennsylvania research fellow Dr. Sabrina McCormick looks at cancer clusters.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  John Steele  |  10-27-2008  |  Profiles & Interviews

The New '90210' Sucks Hardnew

No matter how scandalous the plot gets and regardless of how many former cast members return, 90210 can never live up to the drama that zip code saw 18 years ago when Brandon and Brenda Walsh moved to California.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Erica Palan  |  10-27-2008  |  TV

I Don't Care About the Philliesnew

I am avidly not interested, so please, everyone, stop expecting me to give a shit just because I live in the local ZIP code.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Caralyn Green  |  10-27-2008  |  Sports

My Great Schlep to Florida Was More Surreal than Politicalnew

My Granny has decided on Obama without my help. She admits she was wary of Obama because she heard he was Muslim, but her friends convinced her he's Christian. Her friends also told her John McCain is just like George Bush, and when the stock market crashed, that decided things for her.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Becca Trabin  |  10-27-2008  |  Commentary

Nikka Costa Label-Jumps from Virgin to Staxnew

"I just really wanted to get away from Virgin," she says. "I didn't think they were a healthy company, and I had four presidents while I was there."
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Craig D. Lindsey  |  10-20-2008  |  Profiles & Interviews

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