AltWeeklies Wire
In a New Book, Ethan Gilsdorf Tracks His Global Quest to Visit the Holiest Nerd-World Sitesnew
A former teenage Dungeons & Dragons nerd, author Ethan Gilsdorf has rediscovered his past obsession and gone global, making pilgrimage to the planet's temples of dorkdom, from a visit to Tolkien's home in the UK to a jam with Boston wizard rockers Harry and the Potters.
Boston Phoenix |
Mike Miliard |
10-01-2009 |
Author Profiles & Interviews
2008: The Year of the Nerdnew

Barack Obama collects Spider-Man comics and knows how to communicate with Vulcans. But in a year when many a dashing high-school quarterback and perfect prom queen got wedgies from the freaks and geeks, its really no surprise he was elected.
Boston Phoenix |
Ryan Stewart |
12-29-2008 |
Geek Glasses Transform Sexy Superstars into Really Sexy Superstarsnew
Through a thoroughly scientific study of entirely anecdotal evidence, I am here to prove that oversized, plastic–frame glasses have the power to transform the lamest of losers into the coolest, smartest, funniest, prettiest, best–smelling people who ever did exist.
Philadelphia Weekly |
Caralyn Green |
12-08-2008 |
Romancing the Nerds at Geek Nightnew

Did I boldly go where I have never gone before, only to meet some really nice people? Absolutely. Did I make a love connection? No.
Boston Phoenix |
Neely Steinberg |
09-11-2008 |
Hip-hop Newcomer D/Will Gets Cerebral on Two New Releasesnew
He approaches music with the kind of devout seriousness usually reserved for, say, a theologian contemplating transubstantiation. The dude is emphatically not messing around.
The Pitch |
Nadia Pflaum |
07-02-2008 |
Profiles & Interviews
Benjamin Nugent Takes a Hard Look at the Nerdsnew
Nugent dutifully tracks the origins of both the word and the aesthetic, in a two-part book that first examines the history of the nerd, and then wraps up with a less-interesting series of case studies of nerd subcultures.
The Portland Mercury |
Alison Hallet |
05-23-2008 |
Ben Nugent Reveals the Truth: Nerds Defy Definitionnew

American Nerd plays out as part vindication, part apology, and it relates his personal experiences to a range of social, political and historical images and ideas.
New York Press |
Jerry Portwood |
05-15-2008 |
Author Profiles & Interviews
Some Bands Are Bigger Than Othersnew
Bret Tobias, frontman of Philadelphia indie-pop band the Bigger Lovers, reveals in an interview that, despite critical praise, the band has had trouble growing beyond its fan base of "11 power-pop nerds who have embraced us."
Columbus Alive |
Chip Midnight |
06-10-2004 |
Profiles & Interviews