AltWeeklies Wire
Nicolas Cage and Werner Herzog Talk 'Bad Lieutenant'new
When the news broke at Cannes last year that Nicolas Cage and Werner Herzog were remaking Abel Ferrara's Bad Lieutenant, everyone thought it was a joke. But less than a year and a half later, their movie touched down in Toronto and turned into the festival's biggest surprise.
NOW Magazine |
Norman Wilner |
11-23-2009 |
Profiles & Interviews
Morgan Freeman Talks About 'Prom Night in Mississippi'new
Prom Night is Paul Saltzman's documentary about Freeman's 2008 efforts to integrate the high school prom in his hometown of Charleston. Black and white students had historically held separate events. Freeman proposed a single, integrated prom, which he would pay for himself.
NOW Magazine |
Norman Wilner |
11-16-2009 |
Profiles & Interviews
Matt Austin Sadowski Says John Hughes' Death Gives His Doc a Different Lifenew

Hughes' death at age 59 earlier this summer casts a pall over Don't You Forget About Me: A Tribute to John Hughes, which combines clips from Hughes' high school movies with contemporary interviews with the filmmaker's colleagues and boosters like Roger Ebert.
NOW Magazine |
Norman Wilner |
11-02-2009 |
Profiles & Interviews
Documentary 'Taqwacore' Examines Muslim Punk Musiciansnew
Director Omar Majeed doesn't try to hide the artists' laziness and contradictory ideologies. His film embraces the musicians for the confused, irresponsible, sometimes delusional yet often admirable punks that they are.
NOW Magazine |
Radheyan Simonpillai |
10-16-2009 |
Drew Barrymore Skates to Directorial Success in 'Whip It'new
She's been easy to stereotype -- blond and unbearably cute. But the endearing scion of Hollywood royalty and now queen of the rom-com can no longer be dismissed as just a people-pleasing personality.
NOW Magazine |
Susan G. Cole |
09-14-2009 |
Profiles & Interviews
Tags: Whip It, Drew Barrymore
'Spread' is Spread Thinlynew
Wonder if Spread's producer and star, Ashton Kutcher, drew on his relationship with Demi Moore for the role of Nikki, a New Age gigolo who whores himself out to rich cougars so he can squat in their Hollywood Hills pads and take them shopping for his Prada threads.
NOW Magazine |
Radheyan Simonpillai |
08-17-2009 |
'Bandslam': Like 'High School Musical' for Indie Kids, but Better Than That Soundsnew
Director Todd Graff infuses the movie with a palpable reverence for the process of making music, giving it a beating heart that separates it from the usual calculated teeny-bop fare.
NOW Magazine |
Matt Semansky |
08-17-2009 |
Tags: Bandslam, Todd Graff
Sacha Baron Cohen's Shock Tactics in 'Bruno' Are Ass Backwardsnew
In scene after scene, Baron Cohen and director Larry Charles throw transgressive images and suggestions at the audience, daring them to take offence. It's shock comedy based entirely on gay panic.
NOW Magazine |
Norman Wilner |
07-13-2009 |
'Growing Op': Weed Killernew
Growing Op might fizzle as comedy, but it does answer the question "Whatever happened to Rosanna Arquette?" The former A-lister, whose charm and acting skills are intact, plays the mother hen in a family involved in growing weed in the burbs.
NOW Magazine |
Glenn Sumi |
11-24-2008 |
Catherine Hardwick Tackles 'Twilight'new
Director of teen-friendly vampire romance fights for respect from Hollywood boys' club.
NOW Magazine |
Susan G. Cole |
11-24-2008 |
Profiles & Interviews
'JCVD' is Van Damme Goodnew
Jean-Claude Van Damme's latest movie hits like a helicopter kick to the head. Who knew the Muscles from Brussels could act, especially when he's required to stretch more than just his inseam?
NOW Magazine |
Barrett Hooper |
11-17-2008 |
Kaufman Conquers: 'Synecdoche, New York' is a Surreal Surprisenew
Kaufman's directorial debut is as conceptually daring and narratively complex as his screenplays for Being John Malkovich, Adaptation and Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind. Elements of all three films can be spotted in this one, but with his own hand on the joystick Kaufman burrows further into his idiosyncratic world than ever before.
NOW Magazine |
Norman Wilner |
11-10-2008 |
'Filth and Wisdom' is Surprisingly Chastenew
If Alex Rodriguez is Exhibit A in Guy Ritchie's pending divorce from Madonna, then Exhibit B must surely be Madge's immaterial and unambitious directorial debut.
NOW Magazine |
Barrett Hooper |
11-03-2008 |
Elizabeth Banks Has the Balls to Play the First Lady and a Porn Novicenew

The self-professed "guy's girl" swears like a trucker and can talk about her vagina.
NOW Magazine |
Radheyan Simonpillai |
11-03-2008 |
Profiles & Interviews
'The Tiger's Tail' is a Tepid Talenew
I saw John Boorman's film in January 2007, when it closed the Palm Springs Film Festival. At the time, it felt like a casual disappointment from a once-great director, destined for DVD obscurity. I'm not entirely sure why it merits theatrical release now, almost two years later.
NOW Magazine |
Norman Wilner |
10-27-2008 |
Tags: John Boorman, The Tiger's Tail