AltWeeklies Wire

Think Table Talk Pienew

City Paper talks Apple, Ashton Kutcher, and the tiny pie with Jobs folk.
Baltimore City Paper  |  Joe MacLeod  |  08-26-2013  |  Profiles & Interviews

The Truth Behind Sex Traffickingnew

Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore are the public face of an effort to stop underage trafficking. But the underage-prostitution panic is based on a scientific study that was anything but scientific.
The Village Voice  |  Martin Cizmar, Ellis Conklin and Kristen Hinman  |  06-30-2011  |  Crime & Justice

The Chiller Killernew

Michael Gargiulo, accused of killing Ashton Kutcher's girlfriend and other L.A. beauties, got close as the helpful air-conditioning repairman.
L.A. Weekly  |  Christine Pelisek  |  11-24-2010  |  Crime & Justice

'Spread' is Spread Thinlynew

Wonder if Spread's producer and star, Ashton Kutcher, drew on his relationship with Demi Moore for the role of Nikki, a New Age gigolo who whores himself out to rich cougars so he can squat in their Hollywood Hills pads and take them shopping for his Prada threads.
NOW Magazine  |  Radheyan Simonpillai  |  08-17-2009  |  Reviews

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