AltWeeklies Wire

UNC Stutter-Steps on its Way to Becoming Coal-Freenew

UNC will go carbon neutral, which means it will balance any carbon dioxide emissions with an equal amount of reductions or offsets, officials say. But according to the university's current climate plan, that won't happen until 2050.
INDY Week  |  Joe Schwartz  |  02-12-2010  |  Environment

Diet for Climate Change: Eating in the Spirit of Copenhagennew

You may not be able to get to Denmark for the climate talks, but you do have a chance to change a few food habits: It starts with avoiding red meat, processed cereals and tin cans and shopping local.
NOW Magazine  |  Wayne Roberts  |  12-11-2009  |  Food+Drink

Is Your Best Furry Friend a Major Culprit in Global Warming?new

Pet lovers shouldn't look down on SUV owners. Feeding your four-legged companion requires as much land and energy as running a car.
NOW Magazine  |  Wayne Roberts  |  11-23-2009  |  Environment

Ecoholic: Reduce Carbon Bloat By Cutting Back on Frozen Farenew

What's the best way to reduce my carbon footprint through my diet?
NOW Magazine  |  Adria Vasil  |  10-06-2008  |  Advice

Bear Kaufman Says Being Carbon-Neutral Isn't Enoughnew

The senior at San Francisco State University's earth system science department has been experimenting with a scheme to return most of the carbon created by generating power to the ground in the form of charcoal, where it can improve the soil. His ultimate goal: A carbon-negative world.
East Bay Express  |  Susan Kuchinskas  |  08-27-2008  |  Environment

Give Beijing a Breaknew

In the "one world, one dream" spirit of the special family-reunion feelings that fill my heart just once every four years (because the Winter Olympics are lame), I request a 16-day moratorium on China-bashing, at least where their crap environmental record is concerned.
Los Angeles CityBeat  |  Coco Tanaka  |  08-08-2008  |  Sports

What's For Dinner? Local vs. Organicnew

Greenhouse gas emissions from organic flood flown around the globe or pesticides and synthetic fertilizers from "conventional" food grown by a local farmer? Is that the only choice?
The Coast, Halifax's Weekly  |  Lezlie Lowe  |  08-01-2008  |  Food+Drink

Zipcar Founder Robin Chase on the Coming Apocolypsenew

The car-pooling and -sharing entrepreneur discusses climate concerns, historical fiascos and how even Boston's sports triumphs have an environmental impact.
Dig Boston  |  Alyssa Martino  |  07-16-2008  |  Transportation

Louisiana Perks Up for the Emerging Carbon Trade Marketnew

The rapidly evolving industry — dubbed the "cap-and-trade" market — pays sellers, typically landowners, for sequestering carbon dioxide by growing trees and plants that remove it from the atmopshere with the potential of limiting the level of pollutants that contribute to global warming.
Gambit  |  Mollie Day  |  06-25-2008  |  Environment

'The Carbon-Free Home' Explains How to Really Go Greennew

The Hrens' 320-page book categorizes shows how, on a budget, they stopped contributing to global warming and resource depletion, and also saved money.
Pittsburgh City Paper  |  Bill O'Driscoll  |  06-16-2008  |  Nonfiction

Ecoholic: What's Up with Those No-mow Lawns?new

Are they genetically modified?
NOW Magazine  |  Adria Vasil  |  05-12-2008  |  Advice

Some Uncomfortable Irony in the Dave Matthews Band's Drive to be Greennew

The quintet runs a website that will help fans carpool to shows, but when they tour the country together, Dave Matthews, LeRoi Moore, Stefan Lessard, Boyd Tinsley, and Carter Beauford each travel on separate buses.
Seattle Weekly  |  Chris Kornelis  |  05-12-2008  |  Music

Your Bike is Not as Green as You Thinknew

So where should I draw the line on my bike's environmental impact?
NOW Magazine  |  Joseph Wilson  |  04-18-2008  |  Sports

How Green is My Music?new

We won't even get into the acres of paper, publications, and CDs surrounding this red-faced, would-be greenster. I'm downloading as fast as I can, but I wonder whether my hard drive can keep up: hells, even MP3s add to my huge, honking footprint. Must I resign myself to daytime acoustic throw-downs within a walkable radius from my berth? Can I get a hand-crank laptop?
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Kimberly Chun  |  04-16-2008  |  Music

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