AltWeeklies Wire

The Protest Art of SB 1070new

SB 1070 has been bad for Arizona and worse for Mexicans, but it inspired a year's worth of great art.
Phoenix New Times  |  Claire Lawton  |  04-26-2011  |  Art

Reconnecting with an Underground Comic Iconnew

California artist and fabled '70s underground cartoonist Joyce Farmer was using raw meat to make a statement decades before Lady Gaga ever dreamed of showing up at a music awards show in a designer gown made of the smelly stuff.
Phoenix New Times  |  Kathleen Vanesian  |  02-15-2011  |  Cartoons

Luis Gutierrez Is Close to Making It in the Art World Despite Struggling with MSnew

There's a lot about Luis Gutierrez that isn't immediately apparent. To look at the irreverent, brightly colored prayer flags, you'd never guess they were created by a man plagued by multiple sclerosis, an incurable disease that could one day make it impossible for him to paint.
Phoenix New Times  |  Malia Politzer  |  01-05-2010  |  Art

Why Do Hot Chicks Always Play Bass and Why Do I Love Them So?new

I have a fetish for hot-chick bassists, a low-grade obsession that traces back to my early teens. In the mid-'80s, I remember feeling vaguely scandalized (and excited) the first time I saw the Talking Heads' Tina Weymouth lay down that throbbing arterial bass line on "Psycho Killer." That was just the beginning.
Phoenix New Times  |  Craig Outhier  |  12-08-2009  |  Commentary

For Old-School Art Pickers, the Thrill Is Fading, and So’s the Payoffnew

Call them what you like (and some call them vultures), art pickers are a dying breed. Auction site eBay has seen to that. As has Craigslist. And other Internet auction houses. And PBS's Antiques Roadshow.
Phoenix New Times  |  Robrt L. Pela  |  12-08-2009  |  Art

Arizona Ghostbusters Go to Extremes for Good Causesnew

Arizona Ghostbusters don't really investigate paranormal activity or bust ghosts. They're just people who love the Ghostbusters franchise and use their costumes and car to raise money for charities.
Phoenix New Times  |  Niki D'Andrea  |  11-03-2009  |  Culture

For Freegans, Eating Garbage Is Getting Downright Trendynew

John Greentree's what many would call a "freegan" -- a vegan who dumpster-dives for his meals -- but he prefers the terms "post-consumer," "urban harvester," and "vegan reclamist." Everything he eats or owns is second-hand. He manages to live virtually money-free, but modern-day hunting and gathering is practically a full-time job.
Phoenix New Times  |  Niki D'Andrea  |  08-25-2009  |  Food+Drink

DOSE Takes Graffiti from the Street to the Museum and Beyondnew

Life's a ripe plum for DOSE right now. The veteran Phoenix writer has been steadily increasing his fame over the past few years, helping to form an art collective called Forever In Control and beginning to show in galleries and museums.
Phoenix New Times  |  Stephen Lemons  |  08-11-2009  |  Art

Behind BadPhoenixCops.comnew

Meet the blogger who took on the Phoenix PD -- and the homicide detective who might be his best source.
Phoenix New Times  |  Sarah Fenske  |  06-16-2009  |  Tech

Meet a Man Who's Offered a $1,000 Finder’s Fee for True Lovenew

Fueled by dreams of an easy payday, I scheduled lunch with Scott, which, I should disclose, is not our bachelor's real name. I don't want any of you sneaky types figuring out who he is and taking the $1,000 for yourselves.
Phoenix New Times  |  Sarah Fenske  |  02-17-2009  |  Culture

Can Maynard James Keenan Put Arizona Wine on the Map?new

Winemakers Maynard James Keenan and Eric Glomski use fruit from their vineyards to make Arizona Stronghold wines.
Phoenix New Times  |  Michele Laudig  |  12-01-2008  |  Food+Drink

MMA's Unsung Pioneer: 'Grapple Girl' Michelle Farrownew

Women's MMA is finally on the up, but at 42, Farrow's past her fighting prime -- and she's facing the fact that other women will reap the benefits she's sown in bruises and blood.
Phoenix New Times  |  Niki D'Andrea  |  11-11-2008  |  Sports

Has Phoenix Finally Arrived?new

This newly hopeful vision of Phoenix is one that's pretty easy to support these days, because the fifth-largest city in the country has lately been looking like, well, the fifth-largest city in the country.
Phoenix New Times  |  Robrt L. Pela  |  09-30-2008  |  Culture

Fixed-Gear Fanaticism Rolls into Phoenixnew

Fixed-gear bikes have exploded in popularity in many cities across the nation over the past decade, and they've been getting more and more popular in the Valley since 2005. The wheeled weapon of choice for bike messengers and competitive cyclists for decades, fixies have caught on among a young and cool crowd.
Phoenix New Times  |  Benjamin Leatherman  |  07-29-2008  |  Sports

New Liqueur Made from Coca Leaves is Giving Barflies a Boostnew

Agwa de Bolivia is being hailed as "the new absinthe" by some, "the new Jägermeister" by others, and being celebrated as everything from an alleged booster of sexual prowess to a substitute for illegal drugs.
Phoenix New Times  |  Niki D'Andrea  |  07-01-2008  |  Food+Drink

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