AltWeeklies Wire
The Protest Art of SB 1070new

SB 1070 has been bad for Arizona and worse for Mexicans, but it inspired a year's worth of great art.
Phoenix New Times |
Claire Lawton |
04-26-2011 |
Government in Actionnew

Coming soon in Arizona: longer ER waits, lots of job losses and a whole bunch more sick people.
Tucson Weekly |
Dave Devine |
04-25-2011 |
Policy Issues

Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer's response to Jared Loughner? Slash services from an already beleaguered mental-health system.
Phoenix New Times |
Paul Rubin and Amy Silverman |
01-21-2011 |
Policy Issues
It's Mourning in America: Tacky and Weird
As witnessed again in the aftermath of the Tucson massacre, Americans don't mourn right. We turn tragedy into kitsch.
Maui Time |
Ted Rall |
01-18-2011 |
Jan Brewer's Criminally Insane Son and His Mysteriously Sealed Filenew

Ronald Brewer is not just mentally ill. He was deemed criminally insane in 1990, following a July 1989 arrest and subsequent indictment for the sexual assault and kidnapping of a Phoenix woman. On January 9, 2009, in a very unusual move, his criminal case files were sealed.
Phoenix New Times |
Paul Rubin and Amy Silverman |
09-08-2010 |
Tags: Jan Brewer