AltWeeklies Wire
John McCain and the Doomsday Mobnew
With the primary contest behind him, McCain is now gearing up to run against "hope" and "change." In this broader race, lunatic pastors like John Hagee and Rod Parsley become extremely burdensome liabilities. So -- wink wink -- they get cut loose, at least for the next few months until they're needed again.
Artvoice |
Michael I. Niman |
06-02-2008 |
Meet Richard Price: Electrotechnologist, Purveyor of Rare Flowers, Famous For His Heirloom Tomatoesnew

Price could be known for many things. Among other things, he's a talented singer; an accomplished portrait photographer; a home brewer of beers, ciders, and wines; an experienced electrotechnologist in genetics; a green thumb; a do-it-yourselfer and traditionalist. In fact, it's mostly by a strange turn of plant evolution that he's come to be known, informally, as "the tomato man."
Artvoice |
Peter Koch |
05-16-2008 |
Read 'Bad Money' and Weepnew
After reading the new book by Kevin Phillips, a painful realization dawns: Not one of the people running for president is addressing how interconnected and serious America's economic, ecological, and security problems are. Worse, the bankers and hedge-fund speculators who created the credit crisis are financing the campaigns of Democrats -- the only politicians likely ever to rein them in.
Artvoice |
Bruce Fisher |
05-16-2008 |
Chives: A Sign of Springnew

Along with onions, garlic, and other pungent shoots and bulbs -- oddly including asparagus -- chives are part of the allium, or lily, family. Includes recipes for Chive and White Bean Hummus and Pan Roast Salmon with Chive Beurre Blanc.
Artvoice |
Joe George |
05-16-2008 |
The Oil Crossroads: Gold for Highways, Pennies for Public Transportationnew
Growth will only come to a city near you if the federal government is led by somebody who connects the climate-change dots with the oil dots and the public-transportation dots.
Artvoice |
Bruce Fisher |
05-16-2008 |
Old Networks vs. New in the Democratic Primarynew
We used to call them Reagan Democrats. Nowadays the national media have taken to calling them the "white working class." In the South, they're called Bubba. In 2008, they are the key to victory.
Verizon Says No to Trans-Inclusive Policynew
What would make a company who ranked number one on DiversityInc's "Top 50 Companies for Diversity" the past two years take a less than favorable action on a policy to included gender identity and expression in its non-dsicrimination policy?
From Haiti to Laos, People Are Starvingnew

Our food production and distribution networks are intertwined with mindboggling complexity. People across the world are all showing up hungry at the same global supermarket and bidding against each other for what's left on half-stocked shelves, or locked up in overstocked back rooms. But the playing field isn't level.
Artvoice |
Michael I. Niman |
05-12-2008 |
Our Presidential Candidates Won't Talk About the Death of Cities -- Will Our Governors?new
Americans tend to believe that sprawl is a natural consequence of "free market" forces when, in fact, it is a consequence of governmental decision-making. Alas, the people who would lead our national government are not addressing sprawl. That means that the long-avoided discussions America ought to have on race, climate change, energy, highway construction, and agriculture will all continue to lack a certain element of reality.
Artvoice |
Bruce Fisher |
04-25-2008 |
Housing & Development
'Unsettled' Turns to Gazanew
Unsettled has an involving, sometimes engrossing and almost tragic human interest appeal but the movie is, perhaps unavoidably, skewed. No Palestinian appears. And looming just over the historical horizon is the monster problem no Israeli government has had the will or desire to address: the quarter-million Jewish settlers in the contested West Bank.
On the Tradition of Winemakingnew

Nowadays there are so few wines made from estate-grown fruit that it's a bit like finding a four-leaf clover -- but is my admiration for grapes grown, juiced, and fermented by the same individuals justified?
Artvoice |
Paula Paradise |
04-25-2008 |
Tags: wine, winemaking
Ralph Nader On the Decision to Run for President Againnew

"I was looking at my position papers from '04, and almost without exception everything is worse," says Nader, whose long career as a consumer rights advocate is now overshadowed by his runs for the presidency in 2000 and 2004.
America After Bush: Truth and Reconciliationnew
Let's assume for the moment that this reign ends on January 20, 2009 -- an assumption that could only become reality if the American people stand up and actively defend our embattled democracy. The question then becomes, what's next?
Artvoice |
Michael I. Niman |
04-18-2008 |
How Class Caricatures Could Blow it for the Democratsnew
Democrats have a problem explaining progressive economic policies when they've been successfully caricatured as cultural elitists and snobs who sneer at the tastes, faith, gender roles, and economic aspirations of working people. Thus the unfortunate vulnerability of Barack Obama.
Artvoice |
Bruce Fisher |
04-18-2008 |
What About John McCain's Pastors?new
The GOP's propaganda wing has successfully shifted the election focus away from our endless wars and our imploding economy and environment, over to Barack Obama's pastor. Lost amid this newfound obsession was any mention of John McCain's two lunatic preachers.
Artvoice |
Michael I. Niman |
03-28-2008 |