AltWeeklies Wire
DNC Report: Police and Protesters Look to 1999 WTO Protests for Guidancenew
You can forget Chicago in 1968; it's the 1999 World Trade Organization protests in Seattle that law enforcement and radical protest groups are using as the reference point for the DNC in Denver this year.
From Haiti to Laos, People Are Starvingnew
Our food production and distribution networks are intertwined with mindboggling complexity. People across the world are all showing up hungry at the same global supermarket and bidding against each other for what's left on half-stocked shelves, or locked up in overstocked back rooms. But the playing field isn't level.
Artvoice |
Michael I. Niman |
05-12-2008 |
When Aid's No Helpnew
Nations hit by the tsunami don't need only aid. They need fair trade and freedom from the World Trade Organization.
NOW Magazine |
Wayne Roberts |
01-14-2005 |
Tags: WTO
Democratic Team Stresses Labor and Leadership Issues in Ohionew
If the "conventional wisdom" is to be believed on the potential weak spots of the Kerry/Edwards ticket, the candidates hit the proper notes at Saturday's rally in Zanesville, Ohio.
The Athens NEWS |
Jim Phillips |
08-03-2004 |