AltWeeklies Wire
Lee Jeans is a Proud Maker of 'Mom Jeans'new
In the United States, Lee markets jeans worthy of mockery on Saturday Night Live. But in Europe, its products are considered stylish and high-end.
Are We Really Ready for Life Without American Cars?new

Here's the thing about the American public: we never learn. We squeezed into the backseats of our moms' Pintos in the 1970s, then grew up to fill vast suburban parking lots with Expeditions and Yukons and Escalades. Then we freak out when gas hits $4 a gallon and blame U.S. automakers.
Abigail Henderson Fights Cancer and Rallies Musicians for Health Carenew
Stage III inflammatory breast cancer, to put it bluntly, fucks shit up. But as far as Henderson and her friends are concerned, it is not going to stop the rock.
My Life in the McCain Campaignnew
If the maverick loses Missouri, maybe it's because his volunteers didn't work hard enough.
Can the Obama Campaign Win Springfield and Rural Missouri?new
The Greene County Democratic Central Committee, which has headquarters in Springfield year-round, estimates that about a quarter of the county's voters are independent, so the Obama campaign has invested a great deal of energy here. Swing-state Missouri matters: The winner in Missouri has also won the general election in every contest but one since 1904.
Think You've Seen it All? Wait 'Till You've Seen Kansas City's The Klangsnew
The sound of guitars, bass, drums and keyboards would be enough for most bands to get their point across. New KC outfit the Klangs does a little more to help the audience visualize the scenes in its songs about robots and alien wars.
For the Makers of Shatto Milk, Success is Cold and Tastynew

The product has considerable appeal. It comes from cows that haven't been treated with artificial growth hormones. The animals live on a dairy 45 miles outside the city, a significant factor for those who try to mind their carbon footprints. And the bottles, in addition to being reusable, are cool as hell.
The Pitch |
David Martin |
09-23-2008 |
In Missouri, McCain and Palin Refute Realitynew
McCain slammed Obama for telling people what they wanted to hear and then promised, "You will always know where I stand." But even that wasn't true. Back in 2000, McCain called Christian conservatives "agents of intolerance." Now he has selected one as his running mate.
Home Sweet Parking Lotnew

When a workingman doesn't have a home in Johnson County, a Wal-Mart parking lot is the next best thing.
The Pitch |
Nadia Pflaum |
09-09-2008 |
Housing & Development
I Worked at Kmart With John McCain's Director of Strategynew
Sarah Simmons managed in just 16 years to haul herself up from tending the 99-cent underwear bin to serving as director of strategy for the Republican Party's presidential candidate.
D-Locc da Chop Envisions Taking Over the Kansas City Hip-hop Crownnew
The core acts from local R&B and rap label and promotions company Van Brunt Entertainment — Cash Image, D-Locc da Chop and D-Locc's little brother, Slopp da Gambla — grew up around Van Brunt Boulevard and 20th Street on Kansas City's east side.
The Pitch |
Nadia Pflaum |
09-09-2008 |
Profiles & Interviews
Call Bullshit on Conservatives' Tired Argument About Democrats and Tax Increasesnew
The Republican argument about the Democrat always boils down to one thing.
The Pitch |
C.J. Janovy |
09-03-2008 |
Tags: 2008 presidential election, Taxes
How the Quest for a Waylon Jennings T-shirt Ended with Owning the Legend's Tour Busnew

Fred Wickham has two types of friends: the ones who thought he was crazy around this time last year — and the ones who thought what he did was the coolest thing ever.
Stik Figa Aims to Make Hip-hop Fun Againnew

John Westbrook Jr., a 25-year-old rapper known as Stik Figa, recently totaled his car. He's unemployed. And yet, he's happy.
The Pitch |
Nadia Pflaum |
08-26-2008 |
Profiles & Interviews
Deutsche Bank Lets Kansas City Rotnew
Deutsche Bank is the largest owner of foreclosed properties in Greater Kansas City. In Jackson County, the bank holds titles to 350 foreclosures. Some of their properties are sickly enough to depress an entire block.
The Pitch |
David Martin |
08-26-2008 |
Housing & Development