AltWeeklies Wire

Give Beijing a Breaknew

In the "one world, one dream" spirit of the special family-reunion feelings that fill my heart just once every four years (because the Winter Olympics are lame), I request a 16-day moratorium on China-bashing, at least where their crap environmental record is concerned.
Los Angeles CityBeat  |  Coco Tanaka  |  08-08-2008  |  Sports

88 BoaDrum will Make the Hipsters Crynew

If numerology means anything to you, then the convergence of tar pits, hipsters, 88 drummers, and a Japanese experimental music band on 8/8/08 at 8:08 p.m. for an 88-minute performance is certainly going to make you bonkers.
Los Angeles CityBeat  |  Carman Tse  |  08-08-2008  |  Music

'Man on Wire' Re-creates a Jaw-dropping High-wire Exploitnew

Philippe Petit, together with a band of accomplices, snuck into the World Trade Center, still under construction, and strung a wire between the towers, upon which Petit – an extraordinary wire-walker – not only walked, but also danced, hopped, lay down, and even playfully taunted arriving police.
Los Angeles CityBeat  |  Andy Klein  |  08-08-2008  |  Reviews

The Last Sports Writer: Manny Upnew

The night before, in his first game as a Dodger, Manny had faced Randy Johnson, who will one day be his neighbor in the Hall of Fame. But poor Yusmierio Petit never had a chance.
Los Angeles CityBeat  |  Neal Pollack  |  08-08-2008  |  Sports

Chatting with Vincent Bugliosinew

We begin our chat with famed prosecutor Vincent Bugliosi with a few minutes of pleasantries. I have heard he is an arrogant bastard; he certainly thinks well of his abilities, but perhaps since I am a young lady he can be courtly and gentlemanlike, as there is no need for competition.
Los Angeles CityBeat  |  Rebecca Schoenkopf  |  08-08-2008  |  Crime & Justice

The God Who Capped Himself: Thomas M. Disch, 1940-2008new

In a literary culture that supposedly cherishes irony, the passing of such a master ironist has been remarkably little noted. That Disch likely took his life on July 4th (his body was discovered July 5) probably wasn't meant as tribute to our subtle wits either.
Los Angeles CityBeat  |  Ron Garmon  |  08-01-2008  |  Books

It's Time to Wrap Up 'Mummy' Franchise and Bury It for a Long Spellnew

The script lifts from sources that were themselves tired liftings from other sources. The funniest lines don't appear to have been intended to be funny. The action sequences are flat and unexciting, and the behavior of the CGI Yetis briefly slides into Airplane!-level reality.
Los Angeles CityBeat  |  Andy Klein  |  08-01-2008  |  Reviews

Bitter:Sweet Found Each Other on Craigslistnew

Although they've hit the road only once before, the band's had a large amount of commercial success in television and on the internet, with songs featured in TV shows like Lipstick Jungle, while the new album was the No. One seller on iTunes last week and will be featured at Starbucks stores nationwide.
Los Angeles CityBeat  |  Gabrielle Paluch  |  07-18-2008  |  Profiles & Interviews

The New Batman Film is Deeper, Darker, More Action-packednew

We learn that Batman's dual existence is taking a toll on him, both physically and spiritually ... and the latter is the more dangerous.
Los Angeles CityBeat  |  Andy Klein  |  07-18-2008  |  Reviews

Saving L.A. From Nuclear Terrornew

These days, working as a policy wonk on nuclear nonproliferation and disarmament, I am sometimes asked whether the danger of nuclear terror is "real" – or whether, instead, certain modern-day Machiavellis are manipulating our most nightmarish fears, to promote their own cynical political agendas. What if it's both?
Los Angeles CityBeat  |  Tad Daley  |  07-18-2008  |  War

B.S. Johnson's 'The Unfortunates' is Resurrectednew

In his unique 1969 narrative The Unfortunates (New Directions) finally published in May for the first time in the United States, Johnson pursued the question of how creating a novel that would not be bound by conventions might necessitate a book that would not even be bound between covers.
Los Angeles CityBeat  |  Anthony Miller  |  07-07-2008  |  Fiction

Commie Girl: Happy Birthday U.S.A.!new

Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water, masters of evil John Yoo and David Addington pop back up, like Jason or a platter of undercooked pork, to tell the U.S. Congress how much they'd really like to take that water and pour it over your blindfolded and Saran-wrapped face.
Los Angeles CityBeat  |  Rebecca Schoenkopf  |  07-07-2008  |  Commentary

Fighting for Green Technologies ... and Some Venture Capital, Pleasenew

The flow of capital toward alternative energy and other green technologies has risen from a trickle to a torrent which last year equaled tens of billions of dollars. Much of that money comes off one street in Silicon Valley, and the Bay Area has already become a green tech hub. But the Southland is also a potential center of the emerging industry. We looked into a few of the mad scientists hoping to do well, do good, and do the hustle.
Los Angeles CityBeat  |  Nathaniel Page  |  07-07-2008  |  Environment

Think the Housing Crisis Was Bad? You Ain't Seen Nothing Yetnew

While many eyes are focusing on the housing meltdown and its hugely negative effect on an economy clearly moving into recession, few are paying attention to the next bubble expected to burst: credit cards.
Los Angeles CityBeat  |  Danny Schechter  |  06-27-2008  |  Economy

'Fuck Hope': George Carlin, 1937-2008new

There'll be little enough cause to ask what this late, stupendously gifted funnyman would think of a President Obama and his rhetoric of "Hope" in the midst of our general, scrambling disintegration. We already know.
Los Angeles CityBeat  |  Ron Garmon  |  06-27-2008  |  Performance

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