AltWeeklies Wire
It's Time for the LGBT Community to Shake Off its Addiction to Democratic Panderingnew
It's up to the LGBT community to seize this momentum and put a freeze on donations to the Democrats and show them that until real progress is made, it's the Democratic Party that is going to need the help.
New York Press |
Jamaal Young |
08-20-2009 |
What Do We See Five Months into the Obama Presidency?new
I can't accuse Obama of a lack of grit, but what I won't accept is the argument that larger issues are too pressing for Obama to divert his attention to so-called small stuff. He can walk and chew on more than one issue at a time. Human rights -- of women, gays, detainees, religious minorities -- are not small things. To borrow from his own words, if all aren't equal, none are.
Arkansas Times |
Max Brantley |
06-18-2009 |
Alberta Has Allowed Intolerance in Schools for Too Longnew
The disastrous Bill 44 would insert into Alberta's human rights law a parent's right to exempt their kids from public school class discussion on sexuality, sexual orientation or religion.
Fast Forward Weekly |
Jeremy Klaszus |
05-14-2009 |
Harvey Milk & Dan White: That '70s Shownew
I first met Dan White in October 1977 -- 13 months before he snuffed out the life of Harvey Milk.
Santa Barbara Independent |
Jerry Roberts |
12-15-2008 |
Fear of the Queer: Blacks in Florida Vote to Oppress Gaysnew
It's one of the great paradoxes in American politics. The black community, the most oppressed group in U.S. history, has traditionally comprised the most unfriendly demographic toward gays, arguably the second-most-discriminated-against group.
New Times Broward-Palm Beach |
Bob Norman |
11-18-2008 |
I've Got No Love for Seven Out of 10 Black Voters in Californianew
Yes, Tuesday, Nov. 4, 2008, was a day when you truly felt proud to be an American. But then, on Nov. 5, I read something that changed all that. I read that California's black voters favored Proposition 8 by a margin of 70 percent to 30 percent, which means seven out of 10 black voters voted against gay marriage.
San Diego CityBeat |
Edwin Decker |
11-12-2008 |
Some LGBT Voters Not Sold on Obamanew
In the primary, LGBT voters went strongly for Hillary Clinton; can Barack Obama get them back in time to defeat John McCain?
Pittsburgh City Paper |
Melissa Meinzer |
10-28-2008 |
Happytown: Mayor Buddy Dyer and Same-Sex Partnersnew
Last week, Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer announced that the city will henceforth offer same-sex partners the benefits it awards to married couples (though not to straight unmarried couples, because they're living in sin). And it only took our "progressive" mayor and his Democrat-dominated city council five years to do it.
Orlando Weekly |
Jeffrey C. Billman, Billy Manes, Deanna Morey and Adriana Ruiz |
10-17-2008 |
Obama's Chance to Make Sure He Leaves No LGBTQ Vote Behind in Phillynew
Every election year, Philadelphia's OutFest becomes ground zero for local and state politicians hoping to win the gay vote. This year, the stakes are even higher: The votes of Philly's LGBTQ community will help decide where Pennsylvania falls in the presidential race.
Philadelphia City Paper |
Timothy J. McLaughlin |
10-06-2008 |
History Will Not Absolve Jesse Helmsnew
Those who fought for progressive causes during the 40 years or so of Helms' public life have their own recollections of him. While some nod their heads in respect for his passing, they also mourn the impact of his political influence on the state, the nation and the world. We offer their voices, here, as a counterpoint and a remembrance.