AltWeeklies Wire
Craft Brewers Spared in Four Loko Crackdownnew

The recent uproar over the dramatically intoxicating effects of Four Loko has created quite a scare in the world of craft brewing and specialty spirits.
Charleston City Paper |
T. Ballard Lesemann |
11-19-2010 |
Change Will Comenew

Gay and lesbian youth should not be afraid of who they are.
Charleston City Paper |
Lake Terrace |
11-15-2010 |
Tags: LGBT, It Gets Better
Libraries Adjust to Life in the Digital Worldnew

It can be difficult to imagine a future where books and libraries exist. After all, why waste paper and energy borrowing books at the library when you can download the latest releases directly to your iPad?
Charleston City Paper |
Erica Jackson |
10-25-2010 |
Tags: Libraries
BBQ Evolutionnew

Barbecue has been a vital part of American life as far back as the 17th century.
Charleston City Paper |
Robert Moss |
09-01-2010 |
Tags: BBQ
Artist Depicts Assassination of Obama in Controversial New Shownew

In his new show State of Shock, British-born artist Fletcher Crossman presents a series of controversial paintings depicting the assassination of President Obama.
Charleston City Paper |
Amy Stockwell Mercer |
05-13-2010 |
Tags: Fletcher Crossman, State of Shock
Chef Swap: George Mendes of Aldea to Cook at FIGnew

In December, Mike Lata, chef and co-owner of FIG, cooked a Lowcountry-style dinner at Aldea, the acclaimed restaurant of George Mendes, a first-generation Portugese-American who has been getting a ton of recognition. Now Mendes will return the favor.
Charleston City Paper |
Stephanie Barna |
03-24-2010 |
Eat it Up: Charleston's Top 10 Food Trends of the Decadenew

"Locavorism" has been a wonderful thing for Charleston dining. Wadmalaw Island has bloomed as the vegetable garden of Charleston, and there are now enough farmers' markets open around the area that you can shop at one just about every day of the week.
Charleston City Paper |
Jeff Allen and Robert Moss |
12-30-2009 |
Building a Better Decade: Step One, Turn That Frown Upside Downnew
It does no good to look back (just ask George Bush). In these pages, we're laying out a blueprint to make the Teens the best they can be. Step 1: Turn that frown upside down. Step 2: Please keep those clippers, and any recording device, away from Britney. Thanks.
Charleston City Paper |
Greg Hambrick |
12-30-2009 |
Kathy Griffin Wins Big as a Hollywood Losernew
Many comedians have made a living by finding funny eccentricities in everyday life. But Griffin's show is less about what you did or saw yesterday and more about what you read on TMZ.
Charleston City Paper |
Greg Hambrick |
10-14-2009 |
Forget Ramen: Starving College Students Should Turn to Rice and Beansnew

For me, beans and rice, two simple ingredients, brought together by the currents of history, became a dorm room staple. Over the years, I have perfected a variety of rice and bean dishes; to help starving students, I thought I'd pass a few along.
Charleston City Paper |
Jeff Allen |
08-19-2009 |
'La Cage aux Folles' Is Not a Dragnew
City Paper sent two theater queens to watch the Footlight Players' production of La Cage aux Folles, and they were won over ... in Act Two.
Charleston City Paper |
Greg Hambrick and Shane Sears |
05-06-2009 |
Charleston's Fashion Community Shines at CFW 2009new
Perhaps the greatest indication of the Holy City's strength of style is Charleston Fashion Week 2009, which, despite the economy, is expected to enjoy its most successful year yet.
Charleston City Paper |
Erica Jackson |
03-25-2009 |
Tags: fashion, Charleston Fashion Week
Apex's Classic Soul 1390 Is Dy-No-Mitenew
There's a great new station on the local airwaves. It's not a high-powered super-watt FM station with a flashy name. It's an unassuming, low-power AM station devoid of superfluous crap and lame radio biz distractions.
Charleston City Paper |
T. Ballard Lesemann |
03-25-2009 |
Old School Championship Wrestling Is a Body-Slamming Thrillnew
Before the shock-and-awe firework displays, the epileptic-fit-inducing light shows, and personalized theme songs for each and every wrestler, pro wrestling was simple — two men, one ring, and a crowd to cheer them on as they pretended to beat each other to a pulp. OCSW is a throwback to those simpler times.
Charleston City Paper |
Myles Hutto |
03-25-2009 |
What Would Jesus Do? Thanks to 'Reefer Madness,' Now We Knownew
Laughing at the clay-footed lies of puffed-up authority figures remains one of the great pastimes in any repressive society.
Charleston City Paper |
Dan Conover |
02-11-2009 |