AltWeeklies Wire

EcoHouse enables affordable energy upgradesnew

Indianapolis Neighborhood Housing Partnership's EcoHouse program offers qualified participants up to $15,000 in loans to make energy efficient repairs & appliance upgrades.
NUVO  |  Cami Ward  |  04-05-2012  |  Environment

Indy's special King-Kennedy connectionnew

An excellent opportunity to pause to consider powerful legacies and the necessity of continuing to work for peace and equality happens each April 4.
NUVO  |  NUVO Editors  |  04-05-2012  |  Civil Liberties

Listen to Left to Get Healthcare Rightnew

Want to get healthcare right? Listen to the left. Want to fix the economy? It can't be done without fixing healthcare first.
NUVO  |  David Hoppe  |  04-03-2012  |  Policy Issues

Bike & Build: Hitting the road for housingnew

Bike & Build has donated $3.3 million, built for 100,000 hours, pedaled 5 million miles and engaged more than 1,500 young adults in housing issues.
NUVO  |  Kristina Proffitt  |  04-02-2012  |  Civil Liberties

Q&A: HIV/AIDS housing in Indianapolisnew

Big changes are underway in the way people living with HIV/AIDS will receive the services necessary for them to live well in Indy.
NUVO  |  Rebecca Townsend  |  04-02-2012  |  Civil Liberties

Slideshow: Trayvon Martin marchnew

An estimated 2,500 protesters gathered in downtown Indy to protest the the slaying of Florida teenager Trayvon Martin.
NUVO  |  Brandon Knapp  |  03-31-2012  |  Civil Liberties

Thumbs down: Suspicious flight patternnew

The abrupt departure of Indianapolis Airport Authority CEO John Clark follows questions about his spending habits - his second flight under such a cloud in as many jobs.
NUVO  |  NUVO Editors  |  03-31-2012  |  Transportation

Fixing Felinesnew

An amplified effort to reduce cat overpopulation in Indianapolis is underway.
NUVO  |  NUVO Editors  |  03-26-2012  |  Animal Issues

Wear a Hoodie for Trayvon Martin Tonightnew

Hoosiers will rally for Trayvon Martin, the unarmed Florida teen slain without retribution, at 6 p.m. tonight at the American Legion Mall and advancing to Monument Circle.
NUVO  |  NUVO Editors  |  03-26-2012  |  Crime & Justice

Catholics Yank Funding Over Condomsnew

A bowl of condoms placed in an AmeriCorps outreach post for ex-offenders just cost a nonprofit recycler $20,000 in revoked grant funding.
NUVO  |  Rebecca Townsend  |  03-19-2012  |  Religion

On the street with AIDSnew

Indianapolis service providers have made unprecedented strides in collaborative outreach.
NUVO  |  NUVO Editors  |  03-18-2012  |  Health

E-Waste by the Numbersnew

Clear out the junk electronics. Your e-waste is wanted!
NUVO  |  Rebecca Townsend  |  03-16-2012  |  Environment

Mitch Daniels Rallies to Aid Indiana Gasificationnew

Indiana Gasification is expected to produce synthetic gas for about $6.60 per dekatherm, while natural gas prices are currently below $3. For this it wants a tax credit.
NUVO  |  The Statehouse File  |  03-06-2012  |  Energy

Tornadoes kill at least 13 in Indiananew

Tornadoes took at least 13 lives over the weekend. Nearly 100 homes were damaged, including 19 that were destroyed, 20 with major damage, 11 with minor damage and 48 otherwise affected.
NUVO  |  The Statehouse File  |  03-05-2012  |  Disasters

Women's History Month by the numbersnew

Progress can be logged on the journey to equality, but there's a long way to go.
NUVO  |  NUVO Editors  |  03-05-2012  |  The War on Women

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