AltWeeklies Wire

Indy's special King-Kennedy connectionnew

An excellent opportunity to pause to consider powerful legacies and the necessity of continuing to work for peace and equality happens each April 4.
NUVO  |  NUVO Editors  |  04-05-2012  |  Civil Liberties

The Revolutionaries Inside the 1968 DNC Didn't Get Much Inknew

You've heard plenty lately about the action outside the '68 Democratic National Convention. How much do you know about what was going on inside?
Chicago Reader  |  Michael Miner  |  09-02-2008  |  Commentary

'Life' Photographer Bill Eppridge Remembers the Bobby Kennedy Campaignnew

"My job was to see, not to hear," writes Eppridge in his recently released coffee-table book A Time It Was: Bobby Kennedy in the Sixties, a crisp, informative collection of magnificent color and black-and-white photographs of perhaps one of the most exciting presidential campaigns in American history, up to this most recent season.
Baltimore City Paper  |  Blaine Taylor  |  07-29-2008  |  Nonfiction

An Obama Assassination: The Fear Factornew

Obama can easily laugh off a phony, self-serving stunt such as an assassination exhibit, but he can't laugh off the danger posed to presidents and those who aspire to be presidents.
Pasadena Weekly  |  Earl Ofari Hutchinson  |  06-23-2008  |  Commentary

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