AltWeeklies Wire

Virginian Artists and Teachers Struggle with Gov's Budget Cutsnew

As part of Gov. Tim Kaine's Oct. 9 budget cuts, state funds for the Virginia Commission for the Arts were reduced by 15 percent, and the Virginia Arts Foundation fund has been frozen.
C-Ville Weekly  |  Brendan Fitzgerald  |  01-07-2009  |  Economy

The Upside of the Downturn: Why This Will Be The Greatest Depression Evernew

Maybe, just maybe, we will grow more healthy, more educated, working fulfilling jobs and listening to better music. Maybe this downturn is just the thing we need to move forward as a nation, to grow some grit and steady our nerves.
C-Ville Weekly  |  Scott Weaver  |  12-03-2008  |  Economy

Like a Virgin? How Cops Pose as Kids to Catch Internet Pervsnew

Internet sex crimes, I was told, are like crack was in the '80s: unknown and ready to explode. So the first thing I ask Lieutenant Greg Jenkins, head of the Albemarle PD Investigative Division, is, why is all this internet sex stuff such a big deal?
C-Ville Weekly  |  J. Tobias Beard  |  11-19-2008  |  Crime & Justice

UVA Endowment Takes Nasty Hit as Economy Faltersnew

The university's multibillion dollar investments, which include the endowment, lost $600 million, or 11 percent, in the first quarter of the fiscal year. By mid-October, the policy benchmark had declined by another 20 percent.
C-Ville Weekly  |  Chiara Canzi  |  11-12-2008  |  Education

Don't Let the Weasels in the Stock Market Doornew

I'm not really surprised when the managers of large corporations do something dishonest. But I'm surprised when they do dumb things against their own self-interest.
C-Ville Weekly  |  Al Crabb  |  10-01-2008  |  Economy

Taking a Look at Charlottesville's Invisible Workforcenew

Coping with language deficits and worries about anti-Latino hostility, Charlottesville immigrants stay under the radar, but if you look closely, you'll see how they prop up the city.
C-Ville Weekly  |  Jayson Whitehead  |  09-17-2008  |  Immigration

Why's it So Hard to be a Cyclist in Charlottesville?new

Naturally, a place like Charlottesville, with its LEED-certified Transit Center and focus on promoting car-free living in the heart of the city, could be expected to be an early adopter in promoting and supporting two-wheel living. Well, it is and it isn't.
C-Ville Weekly  |  Chiara Canzi  |  09-10-2008  |  Transportation

Prof Vikram Jaswal Explains Why Sad Children Learn Betternew

With the help of video clips from The Lion King and The Jungle Book and the music of Mozart and Mahler, researchers tested how a group of children's state of mind related to their ability to perform detail-oriented tasks. Jaswal discusses the surprising findings.
C-Ville Weekly  |  Chiara Canzi  |  07-30-2008  |  Children & Families

Blunt Truth: Ten Years in the Life of a Local Drug Dealernew

Seems like a lot of us are buying weed. So I ask you, how well do you know your dealer? How well do you know what he goes through? (How much do you really want to know?) Meet "Mr. Dealer" -- he's 26 years old and has been selling weed for over 10 years.
C-Ville Weekly  |  J. Tobias Beard  |  07-30-2008  |  Drugs

Virginia Criminalizes Salvia, Nobody Noticesnew

At midnight July 1, Salvia Divinorum, the mind altering Mexican plant whose use by teenagers has been sweeping the nation (or so says some media), officially became illegal, giving some Virginians out there a cool, new, felony-level, drug-using past.
C-Ville Weekly  |  J. Tobias Beard  |  07-09-2008  |  Drugs

Does Charlottesville Have a Gang Problem?new

Gunplay and violence in the city's poorest neighborhoods: Are they the work of turf thugs, copy cats, or real-life gang bangers -- and once a shot is fired, what difference does it make, anyway?
C-Ville Weekly  |  Scott Weaver  |  07-09-2008  |  Crime & Justice

Cohousing Creates Community (and Density)new

Central Virginia's first cohousing development is springing up. As it does so, its proponents battle misconceptions of what it is and the argument that the development, Blue Ridge Cohousing, was just too dense.
C-Ville Weekly  |  Scott Weaver  |  05-22-2008  |  Housing & Development

Is Spring Really the Peak Season for Sexual Desires?new

Have you ever felt -- with the gloom of winter gone -- that life gets sexier? It might seem that way, but anthropologist Helen Fisher claims that fall is the season when humans seem to seek out love and romance, due to higher testosterone levels in men. But in general, there is no particular season when people are more interested in sex than usual.
C-Ville Weekly  |  Annette Owens  |  05-07-2008  |  Sex

Playing Around with Sex Ednew

One girl in four has an sexually transmitted infection. Something has to change.
C-Ville Weekly  |  Annette Owens  |  04-30-2008  |  Sex

In Virginia, a Semantic Battle Over the Death Penaltynew

In the wake of the U.S. Supreme Court's April 16 decision on lethal injection, the state's Democrats and Republicans fight the "reprieve" vs. "moratorium" battle via press release.
C-Ville Weekly  |  Scott Weaver  |  04-23-2008  |  Crime & Justice

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