AltWeeklies Wire

Baby is the Most Famous Three-Legged, Barkless Dog in the Worldnew

She's also the only one to tour the country in a bus with her likeness emblazoned on the side, and have her picture taken with, among others, Barack Obama, Bill Maher, Amy Sedaris, Steven Tyler, Jane Fonda, and Eric Idle.
Boston Phoenix  |  Jim Sullivan  |  10-02-2008  |  Animal Issues

Ghost Writer: The Haunted World of Kelly Linknew

Link is the rare writer who's able to mix of-the-moment items, products, and activities with the eternal, the timeless: quests, coming of age, entering a new world, death, and the day-to-day mysteries of being human.
Boston Phoenix  |  Nina MacLaughlin  |  10-02-2008  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

Wall Street for Dummiesnew

The stock market sets the confidence level for the rest of the country. It rallies, we rally. It panics, we eat Ramen noodles. Now we discover our trusted financiers are just overly aggressive and obnoxious sales weasels.
Boston Phoenix  |  Kara Baskin  |  10-02-2008  |  Economy

McCain Heads for the Icebergsnew

Did the week that gave us the Wall Street meltdown witness a second collapse -- the self-destruction of the John McCain candidacy?
Boston Phoenix  |  Steven Stark  |  10-02-2008  |  Commentary

Where's the Outrage Over Media Mistreatment at the RNC?new

Given the media's reputation for self-absorption, it's remarkable how little attention the press has paid to the crackdown on journalists during September’s Republican National Convention.
Boston Phoenix  |  Adam Reilly  |  10-02-2008  |  Media

Revisiting the Rethuglican National Conventionnew

Minnesota is known as the Gopher State, but for one terrifying, riot-gear-and-grenade-filled week it was a police state.
Boston Phoenix  |  Anne Elizabeth Moore  |  10-02-2008  |  Politics

Boston Media Legend Alan Lupo, 1938-2008new

Al Lupo, for decades Boston's gravelly voice of the people in both the daily and alternative press, died, after fighting cancer, on Monday, September 29.
Boston Phoenix  |  Clif Garboden  |  10-01-2008  |  Media

DIY Therapy for US War Vetsnew

It's scars and stripes forever as a cathartic art project helps vets discover that their military uniforms -- like their service -- look better on paper.
Boston Phoenix  |  Julia Rappaport  |  09-25-2008  |  War

A Battle of the Bong in Massachusettsnew

As the state's fiercest civic power brokers are quickly finding out, the war over Question 2 is not your typical suits vs. stoners scrum.
Boston Phoenix  |  Chris Faraone  |  09-25-2008  |  Drugs

All That Twitters Is Not Goldnew

Now that the Rocky Mountain News has distinguished itself by Twittering a three-year-old's funeral, it might be time to dial down journalism's latest fad.
Boston Phoenix  |  Adam Reilly  |  09-25-2008  |  Media

Searching for National Identity in 'State By State'new

An American anthology offers proof that despite the intractable antipathy between red and blue, despite the creeping sameness imposed by chains and big boxes, despite the fact that 81 percent of its citizens feel the U.S. has gone off the rails, this is still a wondrously diverse country, with great cause for self-confidence.
Boston Phoenix  |  Mike Miliard  |  09-25-2008  |  Nonfiction

Are US Universities Selling Out to Oil Nations?new

The well-born-and-bred children of well-heeled oil billionaires no longer have to wander far from the royal palace to do some learning -- they can get an American degree right at home and big-name schools open campuses by the Persian Gulf.
Boston Phoenix  |  Harvey Silverglate  |  09-25-2008  |  Education

Philip Roth Goes Back to Collegenew

One of Portnoy's favorite words takes on new resonance in Roth's 29th novel.
Boston Phoenix  |  Richard Beck  |  09-24-2008  |  Fiction

Interviewing Dick Smothers, the Favored Sonnew

When CBS canceled top-rated Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour in April of 1969, Tom and Dick Smothers were shocked. Nearly 40 years later, Dick, says that's probably why he and his brother remain famous.
Boston Phoenix  |  Ted Drozdowski  |  09-24-2008  |  Performance

Readers Text in Votes for Sarah Palin's Next Baby Namenew

Gwyneth had Apple. Posh had Brooklyn. And moose-killing miracle mom Sarah Palin beat them all with Trig Paxson Van Palin.
Boston Phoenix  |  Lance Gould  |  09-23-2008  |  Commentary

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