AltWeeklies Wire
Raiding the Rabble-Rousersnew
A San Francisco lawyer fights the feds over the mysterious police seizure of servers hosting 19 Indymedia sites. The action temporarily shut down do-it-yourself news-gathering operations around the world.
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
A.C. Thompson |
10-27-2004 |
The feds are spying on – and harassing – political activists with a fury not seen since the 1960s. Under John Ashcroft's direction, opposing the Bush administration translates to state terrorism.
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
Camille Taira |
10-20-2004 |
Civil Liberties
Doping Up the Rabblenew
With the use of less-lethal force on the rise and scary new weapons in the pipeline, such as high-voltage land mines, it's prime time to take a quick look at the gadgetry police departments are using to herd humans.
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
A. C. Thompson |
10-20-2004 |
Civil Liberties
Bay Guardian Sues New Times Chain for Predatory Pricingnew
In a lawsuit filed with the San Francisco Superior Court, the San Francisco Bay Guardian charges that the nation's largest alternative newsweekly chain has illegally sold advertising below cost in an effort to put the family-owned Guardian out of business.
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
Tim Redmond |
10-20-2004 |
Keep It Like a Secretnew
Cops across the state are suing to classify police discipline records and to hold any misconduct hearings behind closed doors, a one-two punch that would effectively pulverize three oversight agencies long loathed by Bay Area cops.
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
A.C. Thompson |
10-13-2004 |
Crime & Justice
High Voltage, High Stakesnew
Owing to links to more than 70 deaths, use of Taser guns is being seriously questioned by the American Civil Liberties Union in California. A Bay Guardian reporter peruses the Taser use manual and finds out just how many times one person can be shocked. And more.
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
A.C. Thompson |
10-06-2004 |
Crime & Justice
Cell Dividenew
In the wake of the Bush administration's refusal to fund stem-cell research, a California ballot measure proposes the biggest state-funded effort yet. Christian conservatives aren't the only ones who oppose the proposition.
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
Tali Woodward |
09-29-2004 |
Policy Issues
Bay Area Censored Stories Bay Guardian Picksnew
In concert with Project Censored, the San Francisco Bay Guardian staff pick the top 10 local stories the local media ignore.
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
Bay Guardian Staff |
09-01-2004 |
Censored! The Runners Upnew
Runners up to the 10 big news stories the national news media ignore.
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
Bay Guardian Staff |
09-01-2004 |
Censored! 10 Big Stories the National News Media Ignorenew

Wealth inequality, an attack on a human rights law and the Bush administration's manipulation of science are among the 10 big news stories that Project Censored has identified as not receiving the media attention they deserve.
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
Camille T. Taiara |
09-01-2004 |
Private Contractors Played Key Role in Abuse of Iraqi Prisonersnew
Among those involved in the torture of prisoners at Abu Ghraib were private contractors - who may never be accountable for their acts.
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
A.C. Thompson and Pratap Chatterjee |
08-07-2004 |
How Construction Giant Bechtel Manipulates the Pressnew
Bechtel, the company that's won lucrative contracts for reconstruction in Iraq, has a long list of P.R. disasters, like the Big Dig in Boston, that might have sunk another company. But a sophisticated press strategy keeps Bechtel out of trouble.
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
A. C. Thompson |
08-07-2004 |
Business & Labor
Packaging Democracy: How Clear Channel Shut Out Candidatesnew
Radio stations were not required to sell ads to any of the candidates in the California governor recall election, only to treat each candidate equally. Clear Channel satisfied this requirement by setting the bar so high that only the richest four candidates could afford to purchase ad time.
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
Matthew Hirsch |
07-15-2004 |
Invasion of the Media Snatchersnew

Any independent new media outlet that begins to garner a reasonable audience will almost certainly get overtaken by traditional media conglomerates.
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
Camille T. Taiara |
07-15-2004 |
Art School Shuts Down Student Papernew
At San Francisco's Academy of Art, the biggest art school in the country, the administration has expelled two students for edgy writing, let go two professors who complained, and shut down the school paper that tried to cover the controversy.
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
Rachel Brahinsky |
06-16-2004 |
Civil Liberties