AltWeeklies Wire

Contract Killers: A Public/Private Partnership Goes Horribly Wrong in Iraqnew

Staff Sgt. Ryan D. Maseth was electrocuted while taking a shower in Iraq. His death, along with at least a dozen other soldiers who have met the same fate, is a tragic, and chillingly literal, symbol of what writer Naomi Klein calls "the Shock Doctrine." In her book of the same title, Klein argues that for modern corporations, wars and other disasters are just part of the business model.
Pittsburgh City Paper  |  Chris Potter  |  07-29-2008  |  War

To the Last Drop: Water Scarcity Is a Local Problem in the Northeastnew

Though many in the northeast think of water woes as a problem of the Southwestern desert, our aquifers are running out too.
Metroland  |  Rick Marshall  |  12-07-2004  |  Environment

Private Contractors Played Key Role in Abuse of Iraqi Prisonersnew

Among those involved in the torture of prisoners at Abu Ghraib were private contractors - who may never be accountable for their acts.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  A.C. Thompson and Pratap Chatterjee  |  08-07-2004  |  War

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