AltWeeklies Wire

Activist Cindy Sheehan Speaks About Her Ongoing War on Warnew

There are still a few emboldened people who will do whatever is necessary — including getting arrested countless times — to stop the seemingly pointless loss of innocent lives. Cindy Sheehan is among those on the front lines — waging war against war.
Pasadena Weekly  |  Michael Sullivan  |  02-22-2010  |  War

Pasadena Labor Talks Hit the Skidsnew

Roughly 250 of the city staff’s supervisors and middle managers returned to work with shortened schedules, under a furlough city officials imposed on members of the Pasadena Management Association following a breakdown in labor talks with the union’s representatives.
Pasadena Weekly  |  Jake Armstrong  |  02-08-2010  |  Business & Labor

Columnist’s Book Offers an Overview of the Progress Made by Womennew

Gail Collins of The New York Times has written a book that I consider a must-read: When Everything Changed: The Amazing Journey of American Women From 1960 to the Present. Run, do not walk, to your local bookstore and get your copy.
Pasadena Weekly  |  Ellen Snortland  |  02-08-2010  |  Nonfiction

What a Long, Strange — But Incredibly Fruitful — Trip It's Beennew

There’s a now-old adage that goes, “If you can remember the ’60s, you weren’t really there.” Activist, author and former politician Tom Hayden was there — helping shape those historic times.
Pasadena Weekly  |  Carl Kozlowski and Kevin Uhrich  |  01-11-2010  |  Nonfiction

Focus, Accountability and Commitment are Critical to Fulfilling New Year’s Resolutionsnew

It’s a new year, bright with the promise of new beginnings. If you’re like most, you’re so busy with day-to-day life that you push aside the little nagging voice inside telling you that your life could be better. You vow “I’ll quit smoking, hit the gym, eat a healthier diet.”
Pasadena Weekly  |  Patti Carmalt-Vener  |  01-11-2010  |  Advice

Big Games, Big Money: Hopes Run High for the Rose Bowlnew

For the first time in history — thanks to the rotating system that moves the BCS game to different stadiums every year — there will be two bowl games this year in the Rose Bowl, meaning even more tourism and more spending.
Pasadena Weekly  |  André Coleman  |  01-04-2010  |  Sports

Global Warming: Out of Sight, Out of Mind?new

A recent national survey suggests that over the past few years a growing number of Americans have changed their minds about the importance of climate change, and fewer now believe it even exists -- but many still think government should do something about it.
Pasadena Weekly  |  Joe Piasecki  |  11-23-2009  |  Environment

Ideologues Take Full Advantage of America's Amnesia About Tom Painenew

"The idea that Glenn Beck and others whose ideas are opposite to Paine's have adopted him to distort his ideas is extremely disturbing, but not surprising," writes Alaine Lowell, executive director of the Thomas Paine Society.
Pasadena Weekly  |  Kevin Uhrich  |  11-16-2009  |  Commentary

Sundance Sensation 'Precious' Brings Hope to a Girl Utterly Lacking Anynew

The book and its attendant film are drawing extensive comparisons to the classic novel and movie of The Color Purple; besides sharing the subject matter of African-American women learning to stand up for their dignity and self-worth, they both feature what should be career-making performances from heretofore unknown or disregarded actresses.
Pasadena Weekly  |  Carl Kozlowski  |  11-16-2009  |  Reviews

Breast Cancer Mortality Rates Fall as Prevention Efforts Rise ... but What About Other Cancers?new

"We know breast cancer gets all the awareness, but what about prostate cancer or colorectal cancer or ovarian cancer? They're kind of like the orphans just out there."
Pasadena Weekly  |  Sara Cardine  |  11-03-2009  |  Science

The Racial Disparity of Pot Arrests in Pasadenanew

For the past five years, Pasadena police officers have arrested African Americans on marijuana charges at rates wildly disproportionate to Pasadena's demographics, according to a review by the Weekly of nearly four decades worth of arrest data.
Pasadena Weekly  |  Jake Armstrong  |  11-03-2009  |  Drugs

How the Nuclear Double Standard Endangers Us Allnew

As long as the U.S. and other nuclear powers hypocritically uphold a double standard in which we claim nuclear weapons are essential for our national security, but other nations such as Iran are not allowed to make this claim, we are probably in a losing struggle for the cause of disarmament
Pasadena Weekly  |  John Grula  |  10-19-2009  |  Commentary

Mental Disability Evidence Turns 2003 ELF Fire-Bombing Case on its Headnew

A court will finally hear arguments on whether a former graduate student's developmental disorder to blame for his involvement in a radical environmentalist plot to strike back against American wastefulness by firebombing gas-guzzling Hummers.
Pasadena Weekly  |  Jake Armstrong  |  09-21-2009  |  Environment

Furry Fandom: Art, Community and a Second Skin to Feel Comfortable Innew

It's difficult to pin down exactly when "furry" emerged as a genre. In Western culture, nonhuman characters have been popular since the days of Aesop's Fables, which date back to Greek civilization before 500 BC. However, the furry fandom as a movement traces its start back to a science fiction convention in 1980.
Pasadena Weekly  |  Claire Palermo  |  09-15-2009  |  Culture

Robin Williams Turns in a Career-Best Performance in 'World's Greatest Dad'new

With Dad, Bobcat Goldthwait accomplishes several remarkable feats. He manages to take a detestable subject -- death by autoerotic asphyxiation -- and still deal with it in a way that won't drive people from the theater. He also pulls a stunning performance from Williams that easily ranks among the Oscar-winner's career best.
Pasadena Weekly  |  Carl Kozlowski  |  09-15-2009  |  Reviews

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