AltWeeklies Wire

Private/Public housing?new

HUD's new policy forces public housing to mirror private business.
San Antonio Current  |  Josh Baugh  |  07-05-2006  |  Housing & Development

Life on the Brinknew

In Texas, 6,000 Katrina victims are about to be turned out of their FEMA-subsidized homes.
San Antonio Current  |  Brian Villalobos  |  07-05-2006  |  Disasters

Containment Policynew

For ailing residents of San Antonio's toxic triangle, answers are hard to come by.
San Antonio Current  |  Gilbert Garcia  |  06-28-2006  |  Science

InJustice Systemnew

The 2005 bankruptcy "reform" is an anti-consumer law even judges hate.
San Antonio Current  |  Brian J. Rogal  |  06-14-2006  |  Economy

Objective, but Not Independentnew

Journalists cover the American political system -- to what degree should they be allowed to participate in it?
San Antonio Current  |  Katherine Stump  |  06-07-2006  |  Media

The Great Ape Debaclenew

With three more chimps dead, PETA's lawsuit against Primarily Primates moves forward.
San Antonio Current  |  Susan Pagani  |  06-07-2006  |  Animal Issues

Shades of Greynew

Creative Commons wants to help you remix Spielberg.
San Antonio Current  |  Brian Villalobos  |  05-31-2006  |  Business & Labor

Robbing Peter to Subsidize Paulnew

College students pay the price for Republican tax cuts.
San Antonio Current  |  Aaron Block  |  05-24-2006  |  Economy

Hung Upnew

Facing a lawsuit and consumer questions about its role in the NSA spying program, AT&T isn't taking any calls.
San Antonio Current  |  Gilbert Garcia  |  05-24-2006  |  Civil Liberties

Natural-Law Schoolnew

Seventy-five years after its creation, Concept Therapy remains a little-understood road map to higher consciousness.
San Antonio Current  |  Gilbert Garcia  |  05-17-2006  |  Science

Bobby, 1990-2006new

Two chimps are dead and a capuchin monkey is missing -- what's going on at Primarily Primates, Inc.?
San Antonio Current  |  Susan Pagani  |  05-10-2006  |  Animal Issues

A Lesser Webnew

Congress is listening to corporations who want to make the Internet an uneven playing field.
San Antonio Current  |  Aaron Delwiche  |  05-03-2006  |  Media

Not a Drop to Drinknew

An East Texas town's wells are fouled, but no one is willing to finger the culprits or find water for the residents.
San Antonio Current  |  Lisa Sorg  |  05-03-2006  |  Science

The Number of the Beastsnew

Is the National Animal Identification System an End Times conspiracy or good horse sense?
San Antonio Current  |  Brian Villalobos  |  04-19-2006  |  Science

Subbing Out Mother Naturenew

The EPA plans to make wetland mitigation good business.
San Antonio Current  |  Michael Cary  |  04-12-2006  |  Environment

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